CBS previews its All Access-exclusive cop comedy ‘No Activity’

CBS wants to remind you that All Access doesn't just revolve around Star Trek: Discovery. It just premiered the trailer for its third All Access original series, the police comedy No Activity, ahead of its November 12th debut. The adaptation of an...

CBS will stream nine ‘Star Trek’ episodes this year instead of eight

This week, CBS shared some more positive All Access subscription numbers thanks to Star Trek: Discovery and announced that it would be extending the first chapter of season one by one episode. The initial plan was to air eight episodes as part of the...

Showtime websites used visitors’ browsers to mine cryptocurrency

Over the weekend, visitors to Showtime's website or its streaming site ShowtimeAnytime might have noticed their computers slowing down a bit. That's because someone slipped in some JavaScript into the sites that caused them to siphon off processing t...

Stroll down The Emmys red carpet live on Facebook

For those planning to watch the Emmy Awards this Sunday, CBS and the Television Academy have put together a slew of different ways for you to experience the event. As Variety reports, with content on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, they have every...