Some Drunk French Teens Partied with a Stolen Llama

Some Drunk French Teens Partied with a Stolen Llama
Five French teenagers from Bordeaux decided to kidnap a llama from the circus and party with him around town. At first they really wanted a zebra, but the zebras weren’t down to party. Llamas on the other hand are always down the party. That’s how Serge the llama ended up on the tram. However it [...]
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Open Source T-Shirt Design

Open Source T-Shirt Design
You know those crazy full print shirts with blown up images of pancakes and cheeseburgers that stoners, hipsters and old people wear? (Unironically in the last case.) Well, you can design your own now thanks to DIS Magazine and They’ve teamed up to provide an open source tool that lets you and your friends [...]
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Skiers Get Naked & Ski

Skiers Get Naked & Ski
This is a segment from Sweetgrass Productions’ Valhalla. The video features a bunch of skiers skiing in the nude. It looks dangerous. And cold. I don’t think I’ve ever seen nips get that hard and wieners flail so wildly. Plus I’m pretty sure that one guy takes a tree straight to the penis. I felt [...]
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Creepy Doll Headed Street Monkeys of Jakarta

Creepy Doll Headed Street Monkeys of Jakarta
As if dolls weren’t creepy enough on their own, people in Jakarta Indonesia make monkeys beg for money while wearing doll head masks. Wearing the doll heads and clothing, the monkeys look like terrifying dolls brought to life—which is basically my biggest fear. Aside from not wanting to support what seems like a cruel practice, [...]
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Late for Meeting is the Weirdest Video Ever

Late for Meeting is the Weirdest Video Ever
If you want to find who has the really good drugs, just look for Los Angeles based director and animation artist David Lewandowski. I’m pretty sure he’s got them. This video called “Late for Meeting” features a crazy weird floppy man who flails down the street in a disturbing (yet kind of hilarious) manner. The [...]
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Creepiest Wedding Cake EVAR

Creepiest Wedding Cake EVAR
A few weeks ago we saw a Friday the 13th engagement shoot featuring the happy couple brutally murdered by Jason. Wheeeeee! Now an Austin, TX, couple has upped the morbid factor with this wedding cake made by Sideserf Cake Studio. It features their severed, bloodied noggins. Ooh, I call dibs on the ear piece! You know that [...]
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This Guy Spent $100k to Look Kinda Like Justin Bieber

This Guy Spent $100k to Look Kinda Like Justin Bieber
How do you prove that you’re really a belieber? You could tweet to Justin Bieber all day, get his name tattooed to your butt, and find out where he lives and stalk him like a normal person. Or you could do something really creepy… like steal his face. (Not like literally though because I said [...]
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A Music Video About Chinese Food

A Music Video About Chinese Food
This is Alison Gold’s music video called Chinese Food. It’s brought to us by the same dude who’s responsible for Rebecca Black’s Friday. I’m not gonna lie to you, there are so many things wrong with this. Then again, what do you expect from the same human who cursed our earholes with Friday? Exactly. Anyone [...]
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Animal Mash-Ups

Animal Mash-Ups
This a collection of what artist Quebectango refers to as “digital taxidermy,” which is basically fancy for “animal mash-ups.” Still, I appreciate the clarification, because when I first glanced at the images I definitely thought they were each some kind of sick cross-breeds, and not just one animal’s face Photoshopped onto another animal’s body. Phew! [...]
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