How One Entrepreneur Plans To End Extreme Poverty Globally

Jake Harriman told me he believes he can end extreme poverty around the world within the next 30 years. That got my attention. You may recall that I profiled Harriman and his company Nuru...

Five Business Intelligence Predictions For 2014

The following guest post is by Prakash Nanduri, Co-Founder and CEO of Paxata. The dust is finally beginning to clear from the big data explosion, which is a good thing. One of the problems with big...

Let’s Resolve To Use These Tech Buzzwords Less In 2014

Every area of human endeavor has its own lingo, but something about the technology industry makes for particularly pervasive and annoying jargon. Partly that’s because of where it comes from: It’s a...

Bitcoin’s Incredible Year

Last year at this time, valued at just $13.50, one Bitcoin could get you a movie ticket if you could find a theater that had 1) heard of Bitcoin and 2) accepted it. Fat chance. Luckily, Bitcoin...

Your New Year Resolution: Instead Of Goals Focus On Practices

I’m a pretty goal-oriented person. I love to set goals. I track them on a weekly basis.  And then I wonder why I didn’t meet them.  The fact is most New Year goals don’t get met.  So this year I’ve...

What The Secondary Ticket Market Tells Us About How Long Billy Joel’s Madison Square Garden Run Will Last

When Billy Joel announced his open-ended residency at Madison Square Garden, it was an unprecedented arrangement that effectively made him the house band for the World’s Most Famous Arena.  With a...

How To Double Your Content Marketing ROI In 2014

December brings many traditions: enjoying the holidays, wrapping up projects from the year that’s ending, and gearing up for the year ahead. One piece of the process is evaluating how you did in...

A Convergence Of The Single Sign-On, API Management And Integration Worlds

Lately I’ve been noticing some real convergence in some generally unrelated areas – Single Sign-On (SSO), the ability to sign into multiple applications and services via one portal, application...

iPad mini with Retina Display ships within 24 Hours

The new iPad mini with Retina Display ships within 24 hours from the Apple Store. Now that Christmas is over, Apple managed to produce enough iPad mini with Retina Display to fill the demand....

How To Start a Business In 8 Key Steps

For those of you who have not already started a business, or are trying to figure out how best to start your business, this post will help you learn the 8 key steps of the process. 1. DETERMINE IDEA...