Surfers Help Science in Fight against Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria with their Poop

Why surfers can help research into how water pollutions is affecting antibiotic resistant bacteria? They are exposed more than other water athletes to sea water. For research into one of the possibly...

Over 100 Patients potentially infected by Superbug in Los Angeles Hospital

The Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center has informed over 100 patients that they are at risk of having been infected with an antibiotics resistant bug. During endoscopic procedures that took place...

New Study: Common Pain Relievers Fight Bacterial Infections

Potentially huge news is simmering in the world of infectious disease treatment. Researchers publishing in the journal Chemistry and Biology have found that common anti-inflammatory pain relievers...

New Study: Common Pain Relievers Fight Bacterial Infections

Potentially huge news is simmering in the world of infectious disease treatment. Researchers publishing in the journal Chemistry and Biology have found that common anti-inflammatory pain relievers...

How To Prevent Antibiotic Apocalypse

Want to protect your kids from drug-resistant bacteria? Open your  wallet. Governments and insurance companies need to commit to paying 10 or 50 times more than they already do if industry is...

UK Government Warns of Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotics are a gift for humankind, but with big issues. The biggest issue is Antibiotic Resistance. Patients could die of minor infections as antibiotics become useless. According to Reuters ...