Colin Furze Builds World’s Most Effective Doorbell System

Inventor Colin Furze is known for building crazy stuff – from jet trikes to guitars that shoot fire. So you might be scratching your head wondering why his latest contraption is… a doorbell. But this isn’t just any doorbell. Colin built an elaborate and also very loud doorbell system for his house, shed, and bunker. He needed this because he was missing too many package deliveries while he was working on his over-the-top inventions.

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Each doorbell is designed for the environment he is working in, so they get louder and crazier as you go from the house to the bunker. In fact, the bunker bell incorporates an Uzi submachine gun firing into a pipe. Yeah, that’ll get your attention.

And just in case he still can’t hear them over the din of his latest jet-powered whatever, they all also have flashing lights. I don’t think Colin will be missing any more deliveries.

[via Laughing Squid]

Colin Furze Builds a Death Star Using 5,000 Fireworks

So how does a crazy YouTuber who likes to blow stuff up celebrate his three-millionth subscriber? YouTuber Colin Furze went all Imperial and created a Death Star filled with 5,000 fireworks. This should be fun.

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This tops all of his other inventions as this Death Star explodes, without the help of an X-Wing firing on its exhaust port, in a spectacular 20 seconds. This Death Star is covered in 58 boxes of fireworks all wired together to create a magnificent spectacle.

Forget your fireworks display. Colin has you beat. As fireworks are going every which way, it reminds me of The Last Starfighter’s Death Blossom weapon. It is completely insane!

[via Sploid]

Colin Furze’s Flamethrowing Guitar & Smoking Bass: Through the Fire & Vapes

The crazy inventor Colin Furze promoted Intel’s new TV series America’s Greatest Makers by making a flamethrowing guitar and a bass that’s literally smoking. He may be a Brit, but he’s a great maker all right.

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Colin actually made not one, not two, but four mods for this promotion. For the flamethrowing guitar, Colin attached three blowtorch heads to the head of a guitar. He then installed several pipes, a gas reservoir, an igniter and a solenoid valve on the guitar’s body. He can trigger the flames manually, but he also used an Arduino 101 and a program where he can set flame patterns for automated operation.

In keeping with his theme, Colin mounted the Arduino 101 as well as a gas tank inside a guitar amplifier, so that the sound, the electronics and the gas are all coming from one box.

The smoking bass is simpler but no less cool. Colin routed smoke from a smoke machine to holes that he drilled on the guitar’s body, as well as to pipes along the instrument’s neck and head. He added a computer fan to the mouth of the smoke machine to push the smoke along and prevent the hot vapor from melting the plastic pipe that connects to the bass. He also mounted the smoke machine and a bass amp into a single base, and attached strobe lights to the guitar to take it to 11.

We just saw Mad Axes: Furze Road.


Homemade Hoverbike Is as Fun (and Dangerous) As It Looks

Colin Furze has a long history of creating crazy contraptions and doing crazy stunts. He may have outdone himself this time with his homemade hoverbike. Yes, it looks fun as hell. It also looks dangerous as hell should something go wrong. He could potentially get cut in half somehow or lose a foot to those blades. Still, it’s totally awesome.

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As Colin points out, this hoverbike has no steering, and not even a seat, but that doesn’t bother Colin. He gets on it and he actually flies. It’s somewhat like the speeder bikes from Return of the Jedi, just not as fine tuned. It’s not very fast or maneuverable either, but I would love to ride this thing.

Check out how it was built here.

[via The Awesomer]

Colin Furze’s Remote-Controlled Wheelie Bin: Haul Trash

We’ve seen a small remote-controlled trash can, now let’s check out how you can make a large one. YouTube’s star inventor Colin Furze used an electric wheelchair’s components to motorize and remotely control a wheeled trash can, or as the Brits call it, a wheelie bin.

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Instead of controlling the wheelchair directly, the controller manipulates a servo, which is connected to an arm that in turn manipulates the wheelchair’s joystick. This is by far one of Colin’s most practical inventions, but it’s still not good enough for regular use. True to its name, it’s prone to popping a wheelie and then promptly falling over.

I suppose his next move will be to put a jet engine on it.

Colin Furze Adds a Pulse Jet to His Motorized Drift Trike

Back in December, inventor Colin Furze built a motorized drift trike that was able to go about 50 MPH. So how do you follow up a cool build like that? You add a pulse jet of course.

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Being the madman he is, Furze did just that. He added a fiery jet engine, and you can watch him zipping around on this beast until the system catches fire. He actually catches fire a couple of times, but otherwise this is a fun ride that is nothing but drift.

He’s lucky it didn’t blow up. I mean, the fuel tank is right next to those burning pipes. This guy is crazy in the best way. And since we can’t all build these cool things, we can at least live vicariously through Colin.

[via Laughing Squid]

Colin Furze Builds Working Assassin’s Creed Rope Launcher, Hidden Blade

I wasn’t such a fan of the early titles in the Assassin’s Creed franchise, but I was a huge fan of Black Flag. Mostly I like to cruise around on my pirate ship and sink people for grins. The assassins in the game remind me a bit of a very early Batman with all the cool toys they get to play with. Two such tools that turn up in the new Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate are the hidden blade and rope launcher.

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While I have no pressing need for a hidden blade, (I’m from Texas and we just carry guns) I do like the idea of a rope launcher. Inventor Colin Furze has created a real rope launcher and a hidden blade, and they both work.

I use “work” a bit loosely on the rope launcher, it shoots the grappling hook, but you can’t exactly climb, or fly as it seems you do in the games, up onto the rafters or anything. Instead, the built-in winch attaches to a body harness which seems to be able to hold his weight, if a bit precariously. Still, it’s impressive.

Be sure to check out the videos below to see more about the rope launcher build:

The Ejector Bed Is Guaranteed to Wake You up

I have a real problem with hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock and falling asleep again. The Ejector bed has no snooze button. When the alarm goes off, you are propelled through the air, so you’d better wake up.

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It doesn’t throw you super far. You aren’t going to be a pancake on the wall, but it does throw you out of bed. It was built by crazy inventor Colin Furze. When the alarm clock goes off, two flashing lights activate, as well as two fire alarms, a firework and two semi truck horns. If that doesn’t wake you, it then launches you out of bed. Not too far, unless you turn the pressure on the air tank up high enough – then it throws you a bit farther.

No snooze button needed here.

[via Laughing Squid via Geekologie]

Colin Furze’s MotorHorse: Merry-Go-Vroom

A horse with no horsepower? Colin Furze wouldn’t stand for that. So when he got his hands on a miniature fiberglass horse, he took it apart and then crammed a pit bike inside. And then he rode it in a knight’s tournament.

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Colin used a 2015 PBS 110 pit bike to power his MotorHorse. The end result is functional, but since Colin set the front fork to a nearly 90º angle to align the front wheel with the horse’s neck, it probably won’t fare well on bumpy roads.

Here’s Colin and his MotorHorse going up against a knight in a boring real horse. Skip to 0:40 if you watched the video above.

Colin Furze is magic. Be sure to check out his website and YouTube channel for more of his crazy creations.


DIY Knife Toasts Bread as it Slices: The FurzoToasto

What’s the greatest thing since sliced bread? Sliced and toasted bread. At the suggestion of one of his viewers, the mad inventor Colin Furze made a knife – a saw? – that toasts as you cut the bread.

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The knife toasts bread thanks to its quick heating blade, so the Furzo Toasto can also toast bread that’s already been sliced, as well as melt butter over bread. It’ll also cut through flesh and burn it at the same time, so there’s that.

Colin used a microwave oven transformer to generate the heat, which is transferred to the blade via a thick wire and a pair of metal tubes.

It seems like such an elementary project, but as with all of Colin’s past and future inventions, don’t even think about trying this at home.

[via Laughing Squid]