The Good News Behind the Alarming Energy Headlines

In Davos, Switzerland the confabbing tycoons at the World Economic Forum spent their Friday fretting over climate change.  The irony of the super-wealthy flying in their private jets to hang out...

Icahn’s Letter To Apple: The Missing Key Points

Carl Icahn tweeted on Thursday, January 23, announcing that he had bought another $500 million of Apple’s stock that day ($1 billon over the past week) bringing his total to $3.6 billion and...

Grammys Taxes and the IRS

The Grammys award show is a big production, which calls Music’s Biggest Night. Awards are coveted for their status and industry recognition, but they can increase performer...

5 Things About The Big Data Economy that Managers Should Know

At the turn of the 20th century, most people lived as they had in the middle ages.  Almost half of the US population was employed in agriculture.  Life expectancy was less than 50 years....

Intuit Super Bowl 2014 Ad is the Best

With over 100 million salivating Super Bowl viewers on deck, it no longer shocks me that companies will pay $4 million for a spot. I also acquiesced to the notion that this event is not a football...

Flywheels Could be More Efficient for Electric Cars

The idea of powering your car with a flywheel conjures up amateurish images of rubber bands, or big, clunky contraptions attached to ponderous nineteenth century steam-powered wagons. But modern...