At Christmastime 2013, What Would Jesus Ask Of Us Today?

The entire country pauses on Dec. 25, as Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, known to Christians as God’s Christ and Savior, and known to many as The Prince of Peace. The impact...

Wash. students protest gay vice principal’s exit

Washington Catholic school students launch petition to protest gay vice principal's departure SEATTLE (AP) — Students at a Seattle-area Catholic school are gaining national attention...

GoDaddy Super Bowl 2014 Ad has Danica Patrick Wearing Muscles

GoDaddy is going to advertise for the 10th year in a row in the Super Bowl. GoDaddy has purchased two thirty-second spots, one in each half of the game to be broadcast on FOX February 2. At least one...

Pussy Riot Members Set to be Freed Under Russian Amnesty Bill

The Russian Parliament yesterday passed a new amnesty bill. Under the new amnesty laws, 2 jailed members of Russian feminist punk rock protest group Pussy Riot and activists of Arctic 30 Greenpeace...

BlackBerry Loses Two More Executives

Two of the top staff members of BlackBerry are leaving. And so the smartphone maker, which has Canada as its provenance, is left bereft of some serious talent. Chris Wormald, who handled the...

GoDaddy Super Bowl 2014 Ads Will Not Be Sexy

GoDaddy is going to advertise for the 10th year in a row in the Super Bowl. GoDaddy as purchased two thirty-second spots, one in each half of the game to be broadcast on FOX February 2. At least one...

Amazon NYC Publishing Head Plans to Depart

Amazon starts its publishing office in New York two years before in May 2001. Amazon then announced during BookExpo America event that is had hired Book industry vet Larry Kirshbaum as head of New...