Fry up an egg with a side Kevin Bacon in latest Incredible Edible Egg ads

Looks like Kevin Bacon's joining the breakfast crew by appearing in the American Egg Board's "Wake up to Eggs with Bacon" ad campaign. On March 13, the campaign launched in order to promote...

Tesla Touchscreen Easter Egg Discovered

Tesla is best known for its slick Model S electric car. Inside, the car is festooned with technology including a wireless connection that links its systems to Tesla and allows the company to upload software updates automatically.

About a year ago, Tesla pushed out a software update for the car that carried version number 5.9. Inside that update was an Easter egg that sat undiscovered for about a year. Someone finally found that Easter egg and it’s pretty great. The Easter egg is a hidden image of the Lotus submarine that James Bond drove in The Spy Who Loved Me.

tesla-sub-2zoom in

What does that Lotus have to do with Tesla you ask? Well, Tesla CES Elon Musk bought the Lotus sub at auction several years ago. One thing Tesla won’t come clean on is how you access the Easter egg. If you own a Model S and figure this out be sure and let us know.

[via Jalopnik]

Halo 3 Easter Egg Found Seven Years After Launch

If you are a gamer, you will be as surprised as me to hear that a new Easter egg has been discovered in Halo 3. The game has been on the market for seven years now, and numerous Easter eggs have already been discovered, but this is the first time this one has been documented. One of the things that made this one so difficult to find is that it only works on one day per year.

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The Easter egg is a birthday greeting to the wife of one of the developers of the game. The greeting reads “Happy Birthday Lauren!” It is only accessible on December 25, presumably Lauren’s birthday.

You can access the Easter egg on that day by pressing both thumb sticks on the controller. The screen will zoom out to a larger view of the Halo ring and the message appears, subtly hidden the space dust. Check out the video to see the Easter egg in action – you’ll need to look pretty carefully to see it.

[via Escapist Magazine

Sonic and the Android Robot Become One and It’s Weird

Look at this image. That is some weird Sonic action. It looks like Sonic ate a trash can and is trying to run off the extra calories. WTH? There is a simple explanation. The Android version of Sonic Dash arrived today and it was updated with a new unlockable character.

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That new unlockable character is… Sonic. Sonic in the shape of the Android robot. Andronic if you will. or Sandroid. Or Sandronic. He is the first ever Droid Hedgehog. This tubby looking version doesn’t look like he can run all that fast. He certainly can’t spin dash unless he lies on his side.

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Cute or weird? You tell me. If you want to play as tubby Sonic, you can download Sonic Dash on Google Play and play the game fifty times as the normal Android robot to unlock him.

[via Kotaku]

Google Maps Offers “Dragon” Transport Easter Egg

If you want Google Maps to give you directions from Snowdon to Brecon Beacons in Wales, it will estimate travel times by car, bus, foot, plane, bicycle, and now by dragon. Obviously we want to go by dragon. So selecting dragon, Google Maps gives you an estimated travel time of 21 minutes. You see why you go dragon? Fastest mode of travel ever.

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Google Maps also shows a dragon icon which is very similar to the one on the Welsh flag. But sadly, this appears to be the only route that allows dragon travel. Maybe they have trouble feeding them along the way.

They don’t make it easy for Daenerys Targaryen to get around. We need more dragon routes. For now, we’ll have to take get around Westeros and Essos another way.

[via Roadtrippers via Neatorama]

[SPOILER] Bravely Default Easter Egg Uses Konami Code

I love Bravely Default. It’s one of the best RPGs I’ve played in a long time. I had so much fun playing it that I made a mini-guide for a certain part of the game. So I headed to GameFAQs, and while I was figuring out how to write my guide I came upon this neat Easter Egg for the game. I can’t describe the trick without spoiling a major feature of the game though. You’ve been warned.

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Here’s your final warning. SPOILERS INCOMING! Okay, Amigo-bot, here’s the trick. As you know, the game’s Start screen has four main options. Normally the fourth option will only be unlocked if you get the game’s “true ending”, which needless to say takes a long time to obtain. But YouTuber Shmiam found out that you can temporarily unlock that option by entering the Konami Code. More specifically, at the Start Screen, point the cursor to the fourth option then enter the code. The contents of that option are shown in Shmiam’s video as well, so you might want to stop watching after he demonstrates the trick.

I already got the fourth option before I found out about this trick, so I can’t verify if it works. That said, when I tried it I also heard the exact same sound effect that Shmiam got. Switch to the Browser Job and head to GameFAQs if you want further assurance that the code works.

Have a Heart Attack on Easter: Bacon Easter Egg Stuffed with Sausage and Black Pudding

You’ve done chocolate Easter eggs year in and year out and it’s starting to get boring. If you’re looking for ways to spice up (or rather, pork up) your Easter this year, then why don’t you weave and whip up a couple of these bacon Easter eggs?

Bacon Easter

They’re stuffed with sausage and black pudding on the inside, so you won’t find yourself wanting for anything else after you’ve had one. The eggs are pretty easy to make. The man behind this delectable creation, Mike, generously posted the recipe online so that everyone who wants to have a bacon-filled Easter can easily join in on the fun.

Bacon Easter1

Have a happy Easter, everyone. And remember: eat in moderation.

[via Food Beast]

WolframAlpha StarCraft Easter Egg: Math of the Swarm

Alex Wilhelm of The Next Web found this neat Easter Egg on WolframAlpha, the nerdy cousin of Google’s search engine. If you type the phrase “zerg-like curve” into its search field, WolframAlpha will crunch some numbers and generate this parametric graph:

starcraft zerg like curve by wolfram alpha

It’s a Zergling! WolframAlpha even dishes out a very long parametric equation that the graph supposedly represents. Eager to score a scoop as well, I typed in “terran-like curve” – this is how you become an investigative journalist folks, lateral thinking – and got this:

bono curve by wolfram alpha

I didn’t make that up. You know how good I am at Photoshop. Terrans, I guess U2, are Bono. To be fair, the man who can’t count to four also appears if you type in “protoss-like curve.” Go on, try it yourself.

[WolframAlpha via The Next Web]