Saturn and Jupiter’s moon burps bode well for distant life

Scientists recently took a closer look at data over a decade old and concluded that two moons orbiting Saturn and Jupiter might have environments that foster life. During an October 2015 flyby of the ringed planet's moon Enceladus, the probe Cassini...

How NASA’s future robots will explore frozen worlds

Delivering a rover to the surface of a distant icy world like Jupiter's moons Europa and Titan is only half the challenge. Once on the surface, the robotic explorers will have to contend with intense space radiation, plunging temperatures that drop t...

NASA Cassini Captures Final Images of Saturn Moon Dione

As NASA’s probe entered the orbit of Dione, Saturn’s icy moon, the landscape looked to be magical. It started to get closer and closer to the surface features of the small frozen microcosm of sorts....