This Skateboard Shoots Flames

Forget your fancy skateboard tricks. This board can actually shoot flames. Ok, it’s more of a flamedropper than a flamethrower, but the effect is super neat, sort of like the flame trails left behind by the DeLorean in Back to the Future. It was built by Mike Warren.

The flame is activated by a toe switch, which is situated on the front of the board, and a trail of fire is left in the rider’s wake. This thing really looks amazing in action.

Instructables has the full build instructions here if you want to make one for yourself. Although if your board breaks, things could get out of hand pretty quick. Maybe wear fireproof shoes and pants, just to be safe.

[via The Awesomer via Laughing Squid ]

Walking RC Flamethrower: Thomas the Tank Engine of Death

I’ve never watched Thomas the Tank Engine, but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t involve a hellish, six-legged walking train terrorizing people with a flamethrower. It really should though, because this is awesome.

This insane custom creation was built by Peter Sripol, who envisions the character as some nightmare out of Mad Max. He started with a robot hexapod that had the ability to launch tiny foam discs, but he soon made it better with an awesome upgrade. He maxed out the electronics, servos, and motors inside, then added a custom-built miniature flamethrower, because why not?

The video shows off the entire build process, but if you just want to cut to the chase, skip ahead to about the 8:00 mark:

This thing genuinely looks terrifying. Don’t try this at home kids.

[via Slorum via Sploid]

Liquid Nitrogen Freeze Ray vs Flamethrower

What’s cooler? A flame thrower or a freeze ray? I prefer flame throwers, even though they’re not literally as cool. But which would win in a fight? The Backyard Scientist decided to test it out.

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He constructed a homemade liquid nitrogen “freeze ray” that uses the pressure of the nitrogen turning from a liquid to a gas to create a powerful cold spray. After freezing some flowers, he wondered if it could stand up to a flamethrower. So the two gadgets had a showdown.

Spoiler alert. The freeze ray wins, but it should be noted that he moved his  freeze ray closer to the flamethrower, while the flamethrower was stationary. Therefore, I demand a rematch.

[via Laughing Squid]

How to Train Your Dragon to Breath Fire

You don’t get the name “PyroGirl” because you like to bake cookies and cakes. Spoiler alert: It’s because she likes fire! That’s why PyroGirl recently released a video tutorial where she demonstrates how to create a mini flamethrower out of a Toothless action figure.

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How awesome is that? This girl knows how to train her dragon to spit fire. She converted Toothless into a mini flamethrower using IV tubing and pressurized lighter gas. It is a simple method. You will need IV tubing, hot glue or super glue, a drill, thin wire, a Q-tip, denatured alcohol, lighter gas refill canister, a lighter or matches, and a toy dragon.

You probably have the toy already. Hers blows flames between 1.5 to 2 feet long. It is pretty awesome. Because fire!

[via Laughing Squid]

Cyclops Visor Flamethrower: You’ll Burn Your Eye out, Kid!

I don’t know about you, but I was always taught to keep my face away from fire. Only an insane person would break that rule by wearing a helmet that shoots fire from right in front of his eyeballs.

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Sufficiently Advanced’s flamethrower welding helmet is modeled after Cyclops visor from the X-Men. It shoots two lines of fire from your eyeballs for several feet, burning everything in it’s path. It is obviously completely unsafe and just waiting to blow up and take his head off his shoulders.

This is a terrible accident just waiting to happen. Damn this guy is crazy. But it is effing cool though!

[via Gizmodo]

Colin Furze’s Flamethrowing Guitar & Smoking Bass: Through the Fire & Vapes

The crazy inventor Colin Furze promoted Intel’s new TV series America’s Greatest Makers by making a flamethrowing guitar and a bass that’s literally smoking. He may be a Brit, but he’s a great maker all right.

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Colin actually made not one, not two, but four mods for this promotion. For the flamethrowing guitar, Colin attached three blowtorch heads to the head of a guitar. He then installed several pipes, a gas reservoir, an igniter and a solenoid valve on the guitar’s body. He can trigger the flames manually, but he also used an Arduino 101 and a program where he can set flame patterns for automated operation.

In keeping with his theme, Colin mounted the Arduino 101 as well as a gas tank inside a guitar amplifier, so that the sound, the electronics and the gas are all coming from one box.

The smoking bass is simpler but no less cool. Colin routed smoke from a smoke machine to holes that he drilled on the guitar’s body, as well as to pipes along the instrument’s neck and head. He added a computer fan to the mouth of the smoke machine to push the smoke along and prevent the hot vapor from melting the plastic pipe that connects to the bass. He also mounted the smoke machine and a bass amp into a single base, and attached strobe lights to the guitar to take it to 11.

We just saw Mad Axes: Furze Road.


DIY Remote Controlled Flamethrower: Wi-Fire

The Internet of Things isn’t just about connecting your garage door to your car or your fridge to Amazon. It can also be about connecting your smartphone to a flamethrower, as SparkFun’s Nick Poole shows in a DIY project that he made to promote their new ESP8266 Thing dev board.

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Nick made a webpage that contains links to toggle the flamethrower’s valves and ignitor. He then set up the Thing to broadcast a Wi-Fi access point from which you’ll connect to access the webpage.

Now that’s blazing fast Wi-Fi. Head to SparkFun’s blog to see Nick’s full guide.

[via Gadgetify]

This LEGO Call of Duty Flamethrower Is on Fire

YouTuber ZaziNombies’s DIY LEGO flamethrower is pretty awesome. It is based on the “Purifier” flamethrower from Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. It took him about 1,200 bricks to create and yes, it actually shoots flames. So basically, this can never be an official LEGO set or it would be their last.

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So how does he keep those bricks from being melted? Well, some of them near the front were melted, but like the man says, that just makes it look more authentic.

It is a great replica, and thankfully not as powerful as the game version. Fans of the Black Ops should not try this at home. No one should. Stick to using the one in the game, which is guaranteed not burn your house down.

[via BGR via Nerd Approved]

Drone Roasts Turkey with a Flying Flamethrower

This drone with a flamethrower attached looks to me like a one-way ticket to a federal holding cell. This can’t be legal, can it? I mean, this is a DIY drone that has a freaking flamethrower that can throw said flames a good 25 yards.

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In this video, the drone operator isn’t doing anything too sketchy at all. I mean other than setting fire to a turkey and the ground a good 10-feet behind the turkey in the middle of a heavily wooded area that has lots of dry leaves and sticks around.

The video is pretty cool, but everything about this seems highly illegal so I’d be wary of building your own version. If you want to flout the law, a parts list is featured on the YouTube page for the video. I’m thinking HobbyKing isn’t actually responsible for this video, but who knows.