Why the Disney Movie Maleficent Matters

Disney’s Maleficent brought in $70 Million at the box office during its opening weekend. The real significance of the film, however, has nothing to do with revenue. Instead, it represents a cultural...

Kristin Chenoweth to Play Evil Witch in Descendants

She is going to be playing the role of Maleficent, the wicked witch who places a curse on Sleeping Beauty, in Disney’s Descendants. The movie will feature the teen young ones of the (in)famous bad...

Texas Chupacabra: Chupacabra Captured Alive by Texas Couple

While scientists are skeptical of the claim, a Texas couple is sure that what they have managed to capture in a cage is the legendary chupacabra. Now, this creature is the stuff about which...

Holy Grail is placed in Northern Spain, according to Leon University historians

The treasured goblet from which Jesus Christ sipped from at the last supper is allegedly placed at Leon, Northern Spain. The goblet at the Basilica of San Isidoro was claimed by historians as being...

Bermuda Triangle: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Not Found in Bermuda Triangle

It appears to be the stuff of which conspiracy theories are made. Yet it continues to haunt the informational folds of cyberspace. We can well imagine the gravity of the situation where so many...

Holy Grail of Guitars to be Auctioned Off

The Martin OM-45 Deluxe guitar was the best of the best. A limited edition, only 14 ever got made in the first place in list of holy grail of guitars. Now those guitar aficionados who want one can...

Groundhog Punxsutawney Phil Predicts Six More Weeks of Winter

Today is not only the Super Bowl, but also Groundhog Day. Early Sunday morning Groundhog Phil saw his shadow when he stuck out his head in Punxsutawney, Pensilvania. The Punxsutawney...

NORAD Santa Tracker is Tracking Santa Now

Tracking Santa this Christmas is quite an extravaganza event. Whether you use your smart phone, television, tablet or any other form of media, Saint Nicholas will be somewhere in the sky on his...

The True Cost Of Christmas: Santa’s Tax Bill

It’s Christmas Eve and this year, as always, at my house, there’s a lot of anticipation. And by anticipation, I mean that the kids don’t want to go to sleep (I have a totally different idea). We’re...