Are GMO-free Cheerios the First Domino?

Activists are trumpeting General Mills’ decision to remove GMOs from Cheerios as a watershed moment. It is; but not for the reason that they believe. The move was relatively easy and inexpensive....

Illegal GM Wheat in Oregon Under Investigation

Our food supply is being tampered with. This can have very dangerous consequences especially as regards health. When genetically modified foods (called GM foods) enter the market they play dice with...

“Elephant Nose” Sniffs for Genetically Modified Stuff in Your Food

Genetically-modified foods are becoming more common as world crop production falls while the population continues to balloon.

Scientists say they’re completely safe, but if you’re not comfortable with chomping down food that’s partially laboratory-made, then you might find the Elephant Nose concept interesting.

Elephant Nose

It’s a small, pen-shaped device that “smells” your food for the presence of any genetically modified organisms. Its designer, Junhyun Kim, explains: “Many people are concerned about the health effects associated with the consumption of GMOs. Elephant Nose was designed to identify the state of foods (GMO/natural, fresh/stale, and so on) using artificial nose technology.”

Elephant Nose1

Information about the food is then flashed on the Elephant Nose’s display.

The device, which is also a 2011 red dot design concept winner, has huge potential. What do you think?

[via Yanko Design]