I sort of wish someone here in the US would make the sort of weird hamburgers that they get in Japan on a regular basis. J.S. Burger Café in Japan has turned its burger grilling skills to making Ghostbusters themed hamburgers and they look oddly appetizing. I mean, I’m not sure what that white stuff is or what the purple is under the tomato, but I sort of want to gnaw on this thing.
The burger has black buns, black olives, anchovy paste, “bloody hot ketchup”, and some sort of weird cream. You can get one in Japan for what works out to about $15. Another option appears to be a desert burger, inspired by the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
It has white buns stuffed with marshmallows, yogurt ice cream, and cookies. It will cost you about $12. I’d like to eat them both and now I am going to have to eat a burger for lunch. Both of these burgers will be offered from July 1 to September 30, so you’ve still got plenty of time to hop on an airplane and try one for yourself.