Bean Bag Iron Throne: A Song of Beads and Foam

The Iron Throne in Westeros is not supposed to be comfortable. Those swords that jab you when you sit in it keep you alert, therefore alive for another day. But who wants to poked and prodded by their own throne? Well, now you can have your very own Iron Throne and sit in comfort.

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Nerd by Night has turned the Iron Throne into an epic bean bag chair. If you want one like it, you’ll have to make this throne yourself, but that beats going to war and having to pay the iron price, right? To make one, you won’t need any valerian steel, but you’ll need to cut and paint fabric, sew it into place, and stuff it with foam and bean bag beans. When you are finished, you will have a comfortable throne.

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A comfortable throne that still looks badass.

[via Cheezburger via Nerd Approved]

Transform Any Chair into the Iron Throne

You don’t have to go to war against other houses to sit on the Iron Throne of Westeros. Try a more peaceful, less bloodsoaked approach. You can make any chair the Iron Throne with this handy portable version.

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NOW TV and The Telegraph made this fake “throne of swords” that can be attached to any seat easily. It’s even got padded back and butt cushions, which is a definite improvement over the one on the TV show.

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Unfortunately, they gave away the throne to one lucky person. Give the throne away? With no bloodshed? Ridiculous, but it actually happened. Sadly, we can’t buy one, but maybe you can make your own and be King in your office. Just don’t let it go to your head like Joffrey did.

[via Dorkly via Geeks Are Sexy via Nerd Approved]

Build Your Own Iron Throne

The Iron Throne. It is what everyone is fighting over, even though it is the least comfortable chair in all of Westeros. Well, if you are tired of not having one for your very own and are sick of waiting in line for the chance to sit on one at comic cons, you can build your own.

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All it takes is a plastic Adirondack chair, some yardsticks, foam, paint, screws and a dream. This DIY throne comes from web developer and gamer flaming_pele! who has shared the info so that we can all have our own. The plastic Adirondack chair is a perfect starting place because it is lightweight and you can build off of it using common materials.

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You can check out the entire step-by-step tutorial on Instructables. After that, just sit back and rule your kingdom.

[via Laughing Squid]

Throne of Nerds: A Song of USB and QWERTY

The iron throne is made up of many many sharp swords, but what would a throne look like in a nerd kingdom? Well, it would probably look something like this Throne of Nerds, covered with keyboards everywhere.

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Image: Cheryl DeWolfe

This throne will not cut those who sit upon it. If anything the keys will provide some minimal cushioning for your backside. It was made by Mike DeWolfe, a computer programmer from Canada.

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Image: Cheryl DeWolfe

He warped the keyboards and even scorched almost all of the ESC keys to symbolize how impossible it can be escape suffering and blackness. Mike sounds like a cheery guy. I’m not living in his nerd kingdom. The only key that is left undamaged is the ESC key on the highest positioned keyboard.

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Image: Cheryl DeWolfe

In back, the keyboard cables have been arranged like human hair that is roughly braided, but not really. It is a tangle. This shows how good plans and order can degenerate into chaos. Or it’s just a cool chair made out of old keyboards. You decide.

[via Ian Brooks via Neatorama]

Iron Throne Cake: Pay the Fondant Price

Everyone in Westeros is fighting over the Iron Throne, which is kind of funny, since it looks like a very uncomfortable chair. Of course, the whole point is that he who sits on it should never do so comfortably. Never be comfortable with such power.
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I prefer this Iron Throne cake. It is the throne without all of the responsibility and constant bleeding. This tasty throne was created by The Cake Geek, and it was made with chocolate, vanilla, strawberries and fondant sculpted into countless swords.

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Have your throne and eat it too. That’s what Robert Baratheon always said. Or would have, if he had seen this cake.

[via When Geeks Wed via That's Nerdalicious]

Incredible Iron Throne Sculpture


Targaryen, Baratheon, and everyone else want the Iron Throne. But you know who also has a claim to it? You, as long as you have $30.000 dollars.

The throne is not easy to get, and if you’ve been watching the show, you know that owning it means stomping armies, raising dragons, ...
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