Awesome Smart PJs Will Read Bedtime Stories to Your Kids

Smart PJs

Pajamas don’t get any smarter than this. The aptly-named Smart PJs not only provide warmth and comfort, but they’ll also read your kids a bedtime story. Those patterns might just look like dots to you, but they’re more than just some design the pajamas’ makers decided to go with. Instead, they’re actually QR codes in disguise that’ll make your smartphone read a bedtime story or two to your child once you scan them.

The Smart PJs have been dubbed as the world’s “first and only interactive pajamas.” You’ll need to download an app that’s compatible on both Android and iOS devices and you’ll be good to go.

Smart PJs’ founder Juan Murdoch explains: “We purposely created Smart PJ’s with the scannable dot patterns all over them so that parents can help the child scan the stories on their backs where they can’t reach. We also put words to all the stories and animal information on the screen so that parents can turn off the volume and help the child learn to read the stories and words themselves.”

Smart PJs come in four sizes for both boys and girls and retails for $25.

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Vajamas, The Softest PJ Pants EVAR

Betabrand brings us Vajamas, drawstring PJ pants which the company claims are like THE comfiest drawls on the planet. These things are available for pre-order at $85 a pop. LOLWUT? Any article of clothing that has the word “drawstring” anywhere in its description should NOT cost that much. These things must seriously be the most comfortable pants to exist! Orrrr the people behind them are just crazy. I’m gonna go with the latter. Look, just because two words sound funny mashed together doesn’t mean you should create a product out of it. Trust me, I learned that the hard way. A few years back in a drunken rage, I came up with Bananal Beads. You know, banana-shaped anal beads? Boy was I proud of myself. I spent my entire life savings making those things a reality! Long story long, the business failed. I know — I was just as surprised as you are! Now all I’ve got to show for it is a garage full of unsold Bananal Beads. Unsold and unused, btw. Just felt the need to make that clear!



Be The Opposite Of Sexy In A Mustache Union Suit

Mustaches are still chugging along, huh? Well the trend might be on its way out, thanks to the Mustache Union Suit by Toddland. Long underwear covered in the most obnoxious little shape of our time? Yup. It’s dead. But if you’re still interested (you know you are), you should know that it features a full button down front and button flap on back side…so sexy. Done in a cotton/poly blend, fellas and ladies alike can rock these jammies all winter long.

Adventure Time Footie Pajamas For Adults!

ThinkGeek brings us these Adventure Time Footie Pajamas. They’re for grown ups. You know, the type of grown ups who wear footie pajamas themed after a cartoon. No judgey, just keepin’ it all kinds of real. There are two PJs to choose from, Jake and Finn. Oh what, no Lumpy Space Princess? RUDE. Hey, I can totally understand why they’d want to leave out The Ice King, because, c’mon — footie pajamas are supposed to make you snuggly and toasty. NOT icy. Woops, there I go again, keepin’ it really-real! Sometimes I just can’t help myself. Other times I just do it to be a total @$$hole.

Be As Snuggly As Totoro In This Snuggie!

Totoro has been showing up a lot lately! As a bed, costume, and even in the flesh outside my bedroom window requesting I accompany him wild adventures! I… have been hitting the hooch too hard, haven’t I? Probably should have skipped that eighth shot of tequila. Now you can snuggle up with Totoro in this Snuggie! Well, it’s not an officially licensed Snuggie, so we gotta call it a cloak. But you and I both know this thing’s basically a Snuggie. If it looks like a Snuggie, swims like a Snuggie, and quacks like a Snuggie then — yeah, come to think of it, you probably need to lay off the sauce, too.

Star Trek Pajamas Go Where No Sleepwear Has Gone Before

I always wondered what the crew of the Starship Enterprise did at bed time. It’s not like you often saw them sleeping. I’m guessing that when they did turn in for the night, they wore these.

star trek pajamas

Yessiree, Bob, you’re looking at the official Starfleet-issued pajamas. They’re available in Command Gold, Science Blue, and Engineering Red (is it just me or do those sound like colors of Lucky Charms?) Though I might not want to bed in a red shirt for fear of dying in my sleep. They even have little socky things to keep your feet toasty while you dream of exploring strange new worlds and seeking out new life and new civilizations.

Man, the guy in these images looks dorkier than Shatner did in The Original Series. But that’s okay – it’s not like you’ll be wearing these out clubbing, right? Right? Right?

starfleet pajamas

All three colors of the official Star Trek pajamas are available now over at JumpinJammerz for $64.99(USD) a pair. Ask Scotty to beam down a pair before they sell out.


Go To Bed, Batman

Forget Halloween. Every single night can be dress up time when you own a rad pair of Batman or Superman Hooded Fleece Footie Pajamas, complete with cape. Imagine yourself conquering evil-doers in your sleep while you wear these fun pjs. Your partner (probably pretend also) will take great comfort in knowing that a crime-fighting hero is sleeping next to them. Extra dorky bonus features include detachable button-on cape, cuffs at wrist have a slit for your thumbs, feet that zip completely on and off, and a hood pulls down to complete the disguise.

Adult Star Wars Pajamas Are Just the Thing for Luke Sleepwalker

If it were socially acceptable, we would wear pajamas everywhere. They are just so darn comfy and they usually come with cool kid related patterns printed on them. Well, I don’t care if it is socially acceptable or not, I’m getting a pair of these awesome Star Wars pajamas and wearing the hell out of them.

star wars pajamas
That’s right. These are adult sized pajamas with classic Star Wars patterns all over them. Perfect for the adult nerd who wants to attract the ladies. They come in a Dark Side theme that features all of the bad guys, the good guys and one with space ships that shows the Falcon, some TIE Fighters and X-Wings.

star wars dark side pajamas 2

They are not just pajamas, but footie pajamas to keep your toes nice and war. They will cost you $64.99 (USD), and they’re available for pre-order now for October shipment. So, who wants to start a new fashion trend?

star wars good guys pajamas

[via Geeks Are Sexy]