Find the Panda Amongst This Stormtrooper Mob

Somehow, I’ve missed what apparently is a fad of having to find a Panda hidden amongst lots of other black and white characters. This time out, the panda is hidden amongst some geeky science fiction characters in the form of a slew of Stormtroopers of different types.

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Every Stormtrooper ever used in the franchise is in there from the cold weather ilk, to TIE fighter pilots, to speeder bike riders from the forests of Endor. Somewhere hidden amongst this lot is a lone Panda bear who only wants to ride one of those speeders and become the fastest panda in history.

This reminds me of the stick men poster that my kids’ pediatrician has in his office. I’ve been trying to find the matching pair of stick men for 14 dammed years now.

[via Bored Panda]

Bao Bao the panda celebrated her first birthday at the Smithsonian National Zoo

Bao Bao the giant panda's celebrating her first birthday at the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington, DC. And it is big triumph for the species program, which the Captive Breeding Program points...

Pandito Panda Mask: Look Like an Adorable Creeper

Panda Mask

This has probably got to be the most adorable ski mask ever. Dubbed as the Pandito, this balaclava will transform the wearer into a panda-esque bandit of sorts, providing ample protection against the harsh cold and the elements. Whether you’re going hiking or skiing or running a few errands outdoors, the Pandito makes it anything but blandito (pardon the forced pun!)

Slide on our brand new Pandito balaclava and boost your Tai Chi skills to level 11. Comes in handy when flying wuxia style through bamboo forests with Ziyi Zhang. 

Panda Mask1


The Pandito is available online from Blamo Toys for $40.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Likecool ]

The post Pandito Panda Mask: Look Like an Adorable Creeper appeared first on OhGizmo!.

LEGO Panda Bear: Why Isn’t This a Kit Yet?

As I scour the internet looking for wonderful creations to share with you, I occasionally come across something so magical that I think it needs to be made into a product you can buy. This is one of those times. What you’re looking at here is the world’s most awesome LEGO panda bear.

lego panda bear 1

It was created by Jumpei Mitsui, who knows a thing or two about LEGO bricks. You see, Jumpei is one of a handful of LEGO Certified Professionals, and if this jolly panda bear is any indication, it’s clear why he’s been honored with that distinction.

lego panda bear 2

Jumpei, you should submit this design to LEGO Cuusoo, so there’s a chance that they’d actually turn it into a kit so we could all make one for ourselves. Heck, I could see a whole family of LEGO pandas in a variety of sizes.

Man, I just want to walk up to LEGO panda and rub his roly-poly belly. For some reason, I think that would be good luck.

Kokeshi Matches Have Faces on Them

face matches Kokeshi Matches Have Faces on Them
Check out these really unique matches from Japan’s Kokeshi. They have little faces right on the match head. They’re almost so cute that you don’t even want to light them up. Ok, go ahead and light that panda up you sadistic bastard. Each set of matches has matching characters drawn on the matchbox or matchbook. They should make numbered ones so you know how many matches you have left. (via that should be mine)

Kokeshi Matches Have Faces on Them

Chiński pożeracz bambusa

Pandy najwyraźniej chodzą parami. Przed chwilą pokazywałem pandę Legoaulica, a już jest druga i to jeszcze lepsza. Rack911, AFOL z Tajwanu zbudował scenkę która jest powiązana z akcją ochrony dzikich zwierząt, ale bez znajomości języka pewnie nie dowiemy się więcej. Trudno powiedzieć co jest lepsze, panda czy te dwie małe Chinki.

Więcej zdjęć w galerii.

It’s Pandanorium With This Panda Seaweed Nori Punch and Rice Mold Set!

Panda Seaweed Nori Punch and Rice Mold

Hot on the heels of the Sushi Bazooka is the Panda Seaweed Nori Punch and Rice Mold set. Onigiri or rice balls are one of the easiest Japanese foods to make, and they make for great snacks to put in bento boxes or picnic baskets. All you have to do is basically cup some rice into your hand, create a hole so you can add your fillings, cover it up with rice, and wrap some nori around it.

If you’re up for something funner and more creative than regular onogiri, then how about rice balls of the panda variety? It cuts down the entire molding process since it comes with a rice mold that shapes your rice ball into the shape of a panda. When you’re done pressing the rice into place, use the nori punch to cut out ear and eye-shaped nori shapes to decorate your onigiri.

Panda Seaweed Nori Punch and Rice Mold

The set is available from Amazon for $12.99.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ 7Gadgets ]

Electric Friends Animal iPod Speaker Docks

electric friends Electric Friends Animal iPod Speaker Docks
It doesn’t get any cuter than the Electric Friends iPod Speaker Dock Electric Friends Animal iPod Speaker Docks. Available in Sing Sing the Panda, Ki Ki the Cat, Kwack Kwack the Duck, and Chew Chew the Dog, these speaker docks have a fun way of adjusting the volume- just touch the animal’s ears!
panda ipod dock 650x642 Electric Friends Animal iPod Speaker Docks
That panda is chilling, yo. The docks will charge most models of iPhones and iPods as well as play music through a pair of 5w speakers. The animals run on batteries or AC power and have a stereo input for other non-iDevices. Great for kids and fun loving adults.

buy now Electric Friends Animal iPod Speaker Docks

Electric Friends Animal iPod Speaker Docks