The Star Wars Episode 7 will revolve around the events that follow 30 years after Star Wars episode 6: The Return of the Jedi. The actor Warwick Davis was previously played the role in the 6th...
Anne Hathaway remembers the events that took place last year in November like yesterday. On that particular month, the actress's picture appeared in Harper's Bazaar cover page. The star was pictured...
Kristen Bell and her husband Dax Shepard are expecting their second child. The 34 year old actress who stars in the Frozen star said that her second pregnancy is like a walk in the park. The star...
The Star Wars: Episode VII star cast has now taken British actress Christina Chong on board. However, the “24: Live Another Day” star is set to play a minor role in the next Star Wars sequel.The...
The 7th episode of Star Wars is about to undergo a radical shift in its characters. Two novel people are going to enter the arena. This was announces recently by the directors of the series. It comes...
NASA physicist Harold White and artist Mark Rademaker recently released spectacular images of the “IXS Enterprise,” a design for a hypothetical faster-than-light starship based on work being done in...
The Star Trek Electronic Door Chime is available at ThinkGeek for $29.99.
It is that time of year again time for students all over to graduate from High School and College. It is also almost time...