As we discuss the estimates for Friday and eventually the weekend, please note that late December releases tend to have the strongest legs of the year. For reasons I elaborated on last month, the...
Take a small paper bag, pour in a couple cups of sand, and stick a tea light in the center: as Christmas lights go, farolitos would seem to rank on the less-impressive side of the scale. There’s an...
As someone who is constantly researching retirement, I find the recent funding cuts to military retirees very disheartening. Worse yet, I see this as a move to establish ground zero for the testing...
With frequent updates to Google’s algorithms and constant changes to best SEO practices, it’s important to keep an eye on your website performance and give your site a thorough checkup every now and...
Bowl season is right around the corner, but fans have to wait until January for the five BCS bowls, the most anticipated games of the postseason. For some of the coaches involved in those games,...
Qualcomm happens to be a huge organization that makes the cell phone chips for the entire global market. In a surprising move, it raised the status of its COO, Steve Mollenkopf to CEO recently. Thus...
Bing has so many people visiting it in order to browse for a variety of subjects from sports trivia to music albums. The top search items whether human or non-human make for an interesting survey....
The Xbox One comes out as the winner on Black Friday, but it is not clear if that has really something to say as the PS4 is a hard to find item. The Xbox One also just got released a week before...
“Crash the super bowl”- The brilliant tagline that would serve as the golden fleece of the voyage. On October 10, 2013 Doritos opened the Super Bowl in partnership with Pepsi Company and is now...
comScore lent its data from MobiLens and Mobile Metrix to the world at large regarding certain statistics. The US smart phone market shares for August 2013 were displayed like an open book. And way...