Tune into the EVO 2017 fighting game championships right here!

If you don't have any plans to go outside this weekend, here's something you can do. The EVO 2017 fighting game championships, which feature titles including Street Fighter V and Super Smash Bros., are kicking off today, with the finals set to take p...

MIT’s ‘Super Smash Bros.’ AI can compete with veteran players

For expert players, most video game AI amounts to little more than target practice -- especially in fighting games, where it rarely accounts for the subtleties of human behavior. At MIT, though, they've developed a Super Smash Bros. Melee AI that sho...

Nintendo’s Switch might play Gamecube games

Following years of pining after GameCube games on the Virtual Console, it looks like Nintendo fans will soon be getting their wish. According to a recent report by Eurogamer, the Nintendo Switch is rumored to be the first Nintendo console to offer Ga...

Play as Cloud in ‘Super Smash Bros.’ today, Bayonetta later

Final Fantasy VII's Cloud takes his Buster Sword to Super Smash Bros. today, series creator Masahiro Sakurai announced during Nintendo's final presentation dedicated to the rapid-fire fighting game. The company revealed Cloud as a Super Smash Bros. c...

Watch Nintendo’s final ‘Super Smash Bros.’ show here

Today's the day. Nintendo's final presentation dedicated to Super Smash Bros. starts at 5PM ET (2PM PT). Nintendo generally announces updates to the game during its Nintendo Direct livestreams, but this show is dedicated to Super Smash Bros. for the...