Amazon’s convenience store of the future makes me nervous

Half a decade in the making, and after a year of intensive testing, Amazon's cashier-free convenience store is opening to the public. Amazon Go, located at the base of the company's Seattle HQ, is the first of its kind: a convenience store with no ch...

Amazon’s automated convenience stores edge closer to public debut

Last year, Amazon opened its first convenience store embedded with its "just walk out technology." Located in Seattle, the Amazon Go store, which lets shoppers walk in, load up on the items they want and walk out without having to pay for the items i...

FTC gives Amazon’s Whole Foods acquisition the go-ahead

Amazon just got much closer to completing its purchase of Whole Foods. The Federal Trade Commission has decided against further pursuing an investigation into the $13.7 billion deal, arguing that there's no evidence the mega-merger "substantially le...

FTC gives Amazon’s Whole Foods acquisition the go-ahead

Amazon just got much closer to completing its purchase of Whole Foods. The Federal Trade Commission has decided against further pursuing an investigation into the $13.7 billion deal, arguing that there's no evidence the mega-merger "substantially le...

Amazon’s Meal Kits are already available for some customers

Earlier this week, reports surfaced that Amazon had registered a trademark for a meal kit service with the slogan "We do the prep. You be the chef." And apparently those kits are already available to some AmazonFresh customers, one of whom told GeekW...