

The Splyt light looks like a modern day, minimalist Christmas tree, with its branches and lights. It’s actually just an ingenious system of sockets and splitters that can be interconnected to make your own bespoke tree lamp. The Splyt can be either hung from the ceiling, or with an additional base, it can become a rather pretty standing lamp! đź’ˇ

Designers: Jason Krugman, Scott Leinweber & Curio Design.



Floating Bonsai trees are better than floating speakers

Floating things on magnets makes most things cooler. Bonsai trees are certainly no exception. Kickstarter project "Air Bonsai" combines together magnetic levitation, wee plants and traditional Japanese "monozukuri" (craftsmanship). Using the same mag...

Cookie Monster Christmas Tree: Merry COOOKIEEEEE!

This Cookie Monster tree surprisingly has no cookies hanging from its branches  – probably because he ate them all. Decorate this tree with cookies all you want, but they will disappear as soon as you put them on.

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Redditor enhydra-lutris saw the potential for true awesomeness in this blue artificial tree and created a monster. A cookie monster. All it took was some imagination, a couple of styrofoam balls and a black pillowcase and now it devours cookies, leaving a mound of crumbs on top of the presents underneath.

But what happens when you run out of cookies to feed it? Things could get ugly if that happens. I don’t want to be around when this tree can’t get its fix.

[via Neatorama]

Groot Tree Topper: Guardians of the Christmas Tree

Since Groot is a tree-like creature, it only makes sense to put him on top of another tree. He is the perfect Christmas tree topper. DeviantArt user witchcraftywolfen made this awesome Groot tree topper from some basic items. It really makes the entire tree look menacing.

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Groot was made using a CD spool cover, foam, plastic eyes, Crayola Model Magic, pipe cleaners, and acrylic paint. It really looks amazing when you consider those supplies. And if you are going to have Groot, you have to have Rocket, so the artist also made a Rocket Raccoon plush to keep him company.

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It looks so good. Too bad we can’t buy one. Maybe next year it will be ready for our trees. Or maybe if we water our Baby Groots

[TSCF via Nerd Approved]

Biodegradable Pet Urn Tree Kit: From Death, Comes Life

Some people turn trash into money (tote bags sewn from discarded juice packs, for instance.) Then there are those who find ways to turn death into life. Not the raising-from-the-dead type of things, because that’s obviously impossible, but the green type of transformation, such as the one that happens with the Bios Urn.

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It’s a biodegradable urn that lets you remember your late pet the way Mother Nature would want you to: celebrating its life by bringing about new life. Store your pet’s ashes in the biodegradable urn, then fill the top capsule with soil from the area where you plan to plant it before adding the seed. The latter’s design facilitates the seed’s germination, with the ashes helping the tree to grow since ashes contain phosphorus (which, in turn, is a fertilizer.)

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The Bios Biodegradable Urn kit is available from Firebox with an Aleppo Pine tree seed for $111(USD), but you can choose a larger selection of trees directly from the manufacturer.

[via This Is Why I'm Broke]

This Tree-Pruning Robot Wields a Chainsaw

Robots wielding dangerous weapons never seems like a good idea, but that doesn’t stop engineers from continuing to create them. Case in point, this ”Pruning Robot With a Power-Saving Chainsaw Drive.”

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It was developed by roboticists Yasuhiko Ishigure, Katsuyuki Hirai, and Haruhisa Kawasaki, and is capable of not only climbing up trees, but dismembering them without human intervention. The robot can spiral its way up tree trunks ranging from 2.3 to 9.8 inches in diameter, and easily lops of limbs up to about two inches in diameter.

It doesn’t matter how much smooth jazz you play as it tears up the tree, slicing off branches. It’s still a deadly machine. While the machine could definitely reduce the need for human labor, the fact that it can climb and slice limbs seems like a horror movie waiting to happen. Imagine what this thing could do if it latched onto your leg. Eesh.

[via IEEE Spectrum]

PlanTree – The Plant Tree

The award winning PlanTree is exactly as it sounds- a tree of plants! This hydroponic plant cultivator system was designed for compact urban spaces where full-fledged gardens aren’t possible. The vertical system allows nutrients and water to circulate through each plant-containing pod as they trickle down. Users can have fresh, organic veggies no matter where they live.

Seeds or seedlings are placed in pot-like cups that are filled with soil substitutes such as rockwool or coco fibre. A simple interface lets the user control and monitor pH, moisture, light and more. Plants are grown in a cultivated and controlled microenvironment with water, nutrients and humidity.

Designer: Nur Yıldırım

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE - We are more than just concepts. See what's hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(PlanTree – The Plant Tree was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  2. Practice Plant
  3. Coffee Cup Plant


Predator Carved out of a Tree: Get to the Wood Choppa!

Predators are the galaxy’s most fearsome and brutal warriors. They will rip your spine clean out, with your skull still attached. And they like to take trophies to remind them of their hunt. So a Predator would just love this tree with a predator head carved into it.
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This entire carving took about 90 hours to complete and is the work of one Simon Patel from Walsall, UK. He is one ugly mother! No, not Simon, silly, the tree. Quick get to da choppa! Wait its just a hunk of wood. It’s all cool.

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Bonus: his head is flat, so you could give him a different hat every day if you were so inclined. An Abe Lincoln hat, a beanie. Now that would be cool. It would also make this guy far less terrifying.

[via Obvious Winner]

Wearable Clean Air

Marrying the concept of wearable technology with appliances is a new arena that designers are delving into. Imagine wearing a device or appliance that dispels purified air that is aromatic and the fragrance customizable. Say hello to the Hand Tree, a personal air purifier concept that cleans and filters the air around the wearer.

Working on the principle of plants, Hand Tree absorbs the dirty air and emits purified one, thus creating its own atmosphere around a person. It surrounds a person with perfume of their choice.

Hand Tree is an Electrolux Design Lab 2013 semi-finalist project.

Designer: Alexandr Kostin

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE - We are more than just concepts. See what's hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Wearable Clean Air was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Simple, Smart, and Wearable
  2. Wearable Regulation for Children with Autism
  3. Arret a Porter – Wearable Design by Jimin Kim

Guy Turns Trees into Dragons: Edward Chainsawhands

It’s a sad fact that when nature and man collide, nature usually loses. Many of us hate to cut down trees, but sometimes you have no choice. Maybe it is mandated by local authorities or maybe it needs to go because it is in danger of falling. Isn’t it much better to carve a dragon out of that fallen tree, instead of just turning it into firewood? Hell yes!

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Redditor Aboiement’s neighbor paid an unnamed artist to sculpt this amazing dragon from the trunk of this deceased tree. It looks awesome and now his front yard is basically a fantasy realm. I bet hobbits and orcs come to fight it in the wee hours when no one is looking. I guess the guy carved this with his magical powers and then just walked off into the sunset, not seeking glory or anything.

One imgur commenter said it best…

“The dragon was always there, he just removed the tree bits.”

[via Nerd Approved]