This Chinese Music Video Is Every Kind Of WTF

This Chinese Music Video Is Every Kind Of WTF

This is a batshit insane music video for the song “Chick Chick” by Chinese pop group Wang Rong Rollin. It makes stuff like “What Does The Fox Say?” seem absolutely tame. I don’t know what the hell I just watched but I’ll have whatever they’re having.

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Sh*t Express Anonymously Delivers Poop Via Mail

Sh*t Express Anonymously Delivers Poop Via Mail

Hate someone so much you’d pay money to have poop delivered to them in the mail? You need to do some yoga, drink some tea, and zen the F out, bro! That is real unhealthy. That said, there is a company who will do your bidding for you. It’s called Sh*t Express and for $17 they’ll deliver […]

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You Know You Kinda Want These Historic Figure Panties

You Know You Kinda Want These Historic Figure Panties

Five Go Mad is selling these panties rocking the faces of historic figures on the crotch. So far there’s William Shakespeare, Elizabeth I, Henry VIII, and Anne Boleyn. The underoos are designed by the folks over at Twisted Twee, who, yeah, now that you mention it, that is pretty twisted! And I like it. But […]

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Whoa! Watch This Lady Sing Two Notes At One Time

Whoa! Watch This Lady Sing Two Notes At One Time

This is German musician Anna-Maria Hefele doing some polyphonic singing. What’s polyphonic singing? It’s when one person sings two notes at the same time. Damn! I can barely sing one note at a time, this lady can sing two? Some people have all the luck. But seriously, learn more about polyphonic singing in the video up top […]

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Just Some Completely Horrifying Dental Mannequins, NBD!

Just Some Completely Horrifying Dental Mannequins, NBD!

Is there a shortage of people going into the dental field? Because that would make complete sense. Just take a look at these dental mannequins — freaky deaky. 4 out of 5 dentists agree these things are just too G-D scary. The fifth one has a unusually high threshold for paralyzing fear.

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This Woman Voluntarily Got A Third Breast Implant

This Woman Voluntarily Got A Third Breast Implant

Meet Jasmine Tridevil. Annnd immediately regret it. Haha, just kidding! Kind of. Jasmine is a twenty-something Florida native who decided to get a third breast a la the 3-tittied lady from Total Recall. Is she a mega fan of the film? Nope! She opted for the surgery because she is no longer interested in dating. Solid […]

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A Bonerlicious Satan Statue Pops Up In Vancouver

A Bonerlicious Satan Statue Pops Up In Vancouver

Inexplicably, a statue of The Devil rocking a boner popped up in Vancouver on Tuesday. There’s still no word on who erected (tee-hee!) the damn thing, but the city has already taken it down. Ugh, we can’t have anything! Dum dum government taking away our Satan statues. Sorry to bring him into this, but Good […]

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This Weird Shoot Features People Getting Tasered

This Weird Shoot Features People Getting Tasered
Check out this series of photos by Patrick Hall. He filmed all his subjects in slow-motion as they were getting tased by a handheld stun gun. He also snapped a shot at the precise moment the signal saying “OH FUUUU, WE JUST GOT TASED!” got to their brain. Check out the results below. And don’t […]
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Man Proposes With 1001 Hot Dogs (She Said Yes)

Man Proposes With 1001 Hot Dogs (She Said Yes)
Hot dogs: they’re basically @$$holes and elbows. But to one man in China, they were the key to his girlfriend’s hand in marriage. Duder didn’t go to Jared, he went to Oscar Meyer and it paid off. He proposed to his lady with 1,001 hot dogs and, obviously, she accepted. I mean, OF COURSE SHE […]
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Another Day, Another Weird Face Exerciser From Japan

Another Day, Another Weird Face Exerciser From Japan
This is a bizarre ad for an even more bizarre face exercising product called Facial Fitness Pao. It’s brought to us by (SURPRISE!) Japan. Allegedly the $135 piece of wiggly plastic works out your face muscles? Just pop it in your mouth and bounce your head? And inexplicably Cristiano Ronaldo is the spokesperson? I’m not […]
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