Interactive 3D Installation Lets You Paint on the Artists: You Are the Canvas

New York University Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) students Rosalie Yu and Alon Chitayat came up with Skin Deep, an art installation that’s best described as a virtual form of body painting. They made 3D models of themselves then created a program that allowed people to draw on those models in real time.

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Aside from their 3D models, Rosalie and Alon also printed pieces of paper with textures corresponding to parts of their body. These pieces of paper were then laid out in front of onlookers along with pens and other drawing tools, inviting them to “complete” the artists’ 3D portraits.

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The two made a JavaScript program that would apply the onlookers’ drawings – which were captured by a webcam – on to their 3D models in real time.

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Here’s Skin Deep in action:

I think their intuitive process of turning 2D input into 3D output has applications outside of art as well. Head to Rosalie and Alon’s website for more about their project.

[via Prosthetic Knowledge]

WaterColorBot 2.0: Robo-painter

Hey, even I can be Van Gogh with this crazy contraption and I have zero artistic talent. Basically, the WaterColorBot is a robotic painter that gets it’s input from vector artwork on a computer. It can also will copy real-time sketching, transferring the design to paper with its brush arm and a set of watercolor paints. At last I can be a real artist. Even if my art still tends to look like a 4-year-old’s with a twitchy caffeine brush-finger.

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Think of it as a CNC machine that holds a brush instead of a carving bit. The 2.0 version has an aluminum carriage with crossed linear roller bearings and arrives fully assembled so you can get going as soon as you unbox it. It uses standard watercolors on your choice of paper, so there are no special things to buy. It connects right to your computer.

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It looks like a a lot of fun for kids and adults alike. It’s available from Evil Mad Scientist for $295(USD).

[via Gizmodo via Dude I Want That]

Dogs Playing D&D: Chaotic Cute

Johannes Grenzfurthner and Heather Kelley present the successor to dogs playing poker paintings: Dogs Playing D&D. The artists finished the oil painting in 2010, and now you can get it printed on canvas, clothing, gadget cases and various other merch on Red Bubble.

dogs playing dungeons and dragons by Johannes Grenzfurthner and Heather Kelley 620x496magnify

I bet they’ve been sitting there all day, wondering how to roll dice when you have no thumbs.

[via Archie McPhee]

Nicolas Cage as Pokémon: I Choose You, Nic!

The kids went crazy for Pokémon when it was new and you couldn’t get them to stop until they caught them all. And even if you did catch them all, Nintendo just went and created more. That viscous cycle made them a lot of money. People also like Nic Cage. That’s why Etsy artist jbellzamyy created this Nicolas Cage Pokémon paintings.

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Her store is full of all kinds of paintings of Nicolas Cage as Pokémon. You can get this “starter pack” for $96(USD). You get Cagechu, Cageasur, Snorecage, Jigglycage and whatever the other two are called.

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She also has others in her shop. Like the seller says, “Gotta Cage them all”.

[via Creepbay]

This Landscape Body Art Lit Up By Black Light Is Insanely Cool

This Landscape Body Art Lit Up By Black Light Is Insanely Cool
This is a collection of Black Light Bodyscapes by artist and photographer John Poppleton. John paints these landscapes onto female models and lights them with a black light. As you can see, the black light really makes them pop! Also, if you try really hard and believe in yourself, you can see some serious side […]
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X-Mans Art Show: Children of the Coloring Book

10 years ago, pop artist Brandon Bird found an X-Men coloring & activity book filled with awful sketches at a dollar store. Brandon eventually decided to turn it into a collaborative work with his fellow artist friends. But instead of simply coloring its pages, they each picked a sketch in the book and made original art based on it.

x mans 1 by Brandon Birdmagnify

Brandon presented the artworks under the appropriate name X-Mans earlier this month at the Nucleus gallery in L.A. Here are some of the pieces:

x mans 2 by Amy Dixon 620x424magnify

x mans 3 by Kelsy Abbott 620x322magnify

x mans 4 by Jeff Ramirez 620x437magnify

x mans 5 by Joel Fox 620x427magnify

x mans 6 by John Larriva 620x423magnify

x mans 7 by Erin Pearce 620x244magnify

x mans 8 by Nick James 620x452magnify

x mans 9 by Brandon Bird 620x299magnify

x mans 10 by Dyna Moe 620x414magnify

x mans 11 by Nate Carle 620x434magnify

As you can see, most of the pieces are lighthearted – Nate Carle’s Fourclops looks like it actually came from the sketchbook – but a couple of them made the best out of the source material, such as Amy Dixon’s Grey’s Anatomy and Erin Pearce’s Magneto Hates Birthdays.  Have your browser wear Cerebro and head to Brandon’s website to see all of X-Mans. Brandon is also selling prints of some of the pieces on his online shop.

[via Archie McPhee]

Amazing Daenerys Targaryen Painting: Mother of Museum Quality Art

This painting of Daenerys Targaryen, the mother of dragons, is simply stunning. You just want to stare at it. This masterpiece was created by New York-based artist Sam Spratt, who usually develops art pieces for clients. Thank goodness he sorted out his priorities and shifted his attention to Game of Thrones.

daenerys targaryen painting by sam spratt 1 620x950magnify

Have you ever seen Daenerys looking so beautiful? Well, yeah, she’s always beautiful, but this painting is just amazing. You can check out a close-up below. Sam said he had a lot of fun painting all of that loose wispy hair.

daenerys targaryen painting by sam spratt 2a 620x620magnify

It is a stunning piece of geek art. Take a moment to rest your internet-weary eyes and admire it before her dragons burn you to a crisp and fight over your carcass.

[via Laughing Squid via Nerd Approved]