Supercut of Every Star Wars Character from the Movies

If you know anyone who hasn’t watched any Star Wars movies (is that even possible?) this video is a good way to introduce them to all of the characters. And I mean ALL of the characters from all six Star Wars movies. It is a 24-minute supercut showing them all off.

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This video was edited by visual effects artist Glen O’Neill, who claims it features every individual character from the first six Star Wars movies. I’m not sure if he missed any. Actually, I know he did. The most important character in the saga. The Force! That’s okay though, since you can’t capture that on camera. Midichlorians are too small to see.

It’s a fun video and it might even remind you of a few aliens you forgot about – and a few you’d rather forget.

Sci-Fi Your World Supercut: 100 Sci-Fi Movies in 6 Minutes

V for Vendetta. Watchmen. Back to the Future and Star Wars. Personally, these are four of my top picks in the sci-fi genre. Did these movies make it to your all-time favorite sci-fi movies list? No? Well, maybe Avatar, E.T. or Independence Day are more your type.

Either way, if you love sci-fi or movies in general, then you’ll enjoy this super-cool sci-fi supercut that puts together a six-minute montage of over a hundred sci-fi movies.

Sci Fi SupercutOh, and did I forget to mention TRON?

The video was put together by Cosmo Scharf and Austin Kilgore, who probably have a whole lot of love for sci-fi. Check out the video below and let the movie-spotting games begin!

[via Buzz Patrol]