Chandelier Turns Your Room into a Forest

Chandeliers add a certain flair to any room you put them in. They can be colorful or glittering with crystals, long or short, and wide or narrow, and fitted with lamps so they can aptly illuminate the room.

Forms of Nature is another chandelier, but it’s more of an art form since the light sculpture does more than just light things up when you turn it on.

Forms in Nature

Flicking that switch on will cast shadows of twisty and thorny vines and branches on your walls that looks the outline of a very creepy patch of woods. Kind of like the ones Red was running around in when she was running from her wolf of a grandmother.

Forms in Nature was created by Hilden & Diaz, which is a collaboration between artists Thyra Hilden and Pio Diaz.

Forms in Nature1

The light sculpture is described as resembling and being inspired by Darwinist Ernst Haeckel’s drawings and plots of nature. It is described by its creators as “artwork with a light source surrounded by a dense and unruly tree and root system created in minature sculpture. The forest is mirrored around it’s horizontal central axis and forms a circle 360 degrees around the light source and thereby leads one onto the notion of a real world versus an underworld.

Forms in Nature has been such a hit that Hilden & Diaz are currently working on launching a Kickstarter campaign to produce 100 pieces of the light sculpture.

[via Geekologie]

Charles Darwin Proven Wrong Regarding Tree of Life

Charles Darwin courted controversy yet bequeathed to us the theory of evolution. The survival of the fittest and the law of the jungle are phrases so common today that even a four year old child...

Luminair Tree Tent: The Architects’ Treehouse

It’s always been fun to climb trees, and I guess that it’s cool to have some sort of high perch in your garden or in the wilderness to look out from. While you won’t be dragging this unwieldy tent around anytime soon, it’s certainly an interesting way of setting up a treehouse for adults.

luminair tree tent 1

The Luminair Tree Tent is a semi-permanent tree house. The curved hybrid aluminum and steam-bent ash frame provides stability, while the 16oz waterproof cotton canvas skin keeps the elements out.

luminair tree tent structure

It’s about 10 feet in diameter, which is big enough for two adults. The whole setup weighs about 264 lbs. and can handle another 550 lbs in occupants.

luminair tree tent inside

Unfortunately, the Luminair Tree Tent doesn’t come cheap. You’ll have to spend £6500 (~$10,095 USD) in order to get yours. Or you could just build a tree house the old-fashioned way.

[via Uncrate]

Be Tree-Incarnated: Become a Tree In Your Next Life

Ants are extremely hardworking creatures. They’re insects with qualities I really admire, but because they’re often killed by people for wandering around at the dinner table (and too close to the stew), I wouldn’t want to be reincarnated as one in my next life. That is, if I believed in reincarnation, but I’m still iffy about it at this point.

Regardless, I would think that the awesomest way to come back on Earth would be as a tree. Preferably a huge one that people wouldn’t want to cut down ever. If you have the same notion, then you might want to check the Spiritree out.

The Spiritree is a biodegradable urn where the ashes of the deceased is supposed to be placed in. Its shaped like so to surround a seedling in the middle that’s supposed to (somehow) grow by getting nutrients from your ashes. It sounds a bit creepy if you put it that way, but that’s probably the reason why these chose to give the urn that particular name anyway.

The Spiritree retails for $225.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Incredible Things ]

Geeky Christmas Trees Through the Ages

Over the years, I’ve seen a lot of fun and inspired Christmas trees based on video games, science fiction and other pop culture memes. So I figured that this holiday season, I’d put together a compilation of some of my favorites of all time.

Pac Man Christmas Tree - Madrid, Spain - Wocka, Wocka, Wocka!

Pac Man Christmas Tree – Madrid, Spain – Wocka, Wocka, Wocka!


Godzilla Christmas Tree – Tokyo, Japan: Shoppers, run for your lives!


Cthulhu Christmas Tree: I’m H.P. Lovecrafting it!


Portal Christmas Tree: Fruitcake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test.

Robots Build a Christmas Tree - Only Nieman Marcus could afford this rig.

Robots Build a Christmas Tree – Only Nieman Marcus could afford this rig.


Dalek Christmas Tree: Your presents have been exterminated.

Minecraft Christmas Tree: Unfortunately, the boxes are filled with creepers.

Minecraft Christmas Tree: Unfortunately, the boxes are filled with creepers.


Tesla Coil Christmas Tree: Santa in his jolly red Faraday suit.

Super Mario Bros. 2 Christmas Tree: What ever happened to King Wart anyhow?

Super Mario Bros. 2 Christmas Tree: What ever happened to King Wart anyhow?


Katamari Christmas Tree: Deck the Balls!

Pretty great, eh? Can you guys think of other geeky Christmas trees you’ve seen? If so, post them in the comments below and spread the joy this holiday season.

Skyrim Dragonborn Nord Christmas Tree Could Probably Handle the Cold Outside

These days Christmas trees come in all shapes and sizes. For Skyrim fans, this life-sized Dragonborn Nord tree (actually a statue decorated like a tree) is all they need.
skyrim christmas tree
This crazy statue/tree comes from Redditor Lanarchy, who spends way too much time running around in Skyrim and needed more of it in real life. In the future they will say, “I used to decorate my Dragonborn tree every year. Until I took an arrow to the knee.”

This Skyrim tree is the perfect centerpiece for a geeky Christmas. The little Yoda on his shoulder is a nice touch, despite having nothing to do with The Elder Scrolls. Or does he?

[via Obvious Winner]

Weeping Angel Tree Topper: Just Don’t Use Blinking Lights

Don’t blink. Don’t use lights that blink on your Christmas tree. Otherwise it is bound to be a very short holiday season for you if you have a weeping angel tree topper.

weeping angel tree topperArtist and crafter Cynthia posted a step-by-step tutorial on how to make your own weeping angel Christmas tree topper. It isn’t as difficult as you think, but it is dangerous. Basically you will be using a plastic water bottle, a Barbie doll, modeling clay, tape, glue, and paint.

However, bringing weeping angels into this reality could kill you. Remember, always work in a mirrored room so you can keep an eye on your creation. Make one for your tree if you want, but don’t say we didn’t warn you.

[via Geeks Are Sexy]

Deck the Halls with a Dalek Christmas Tree

Celebrate the holidays this year with extermination! With this Dalek Christmas tree, forget putting gifts under the tree or hanging pretty ornaments. The only gift you will be wishing for is for the good Doctor to come and save you.
dalek christmas tree
I’m not sure where this tree originated from, but I’m willing to bet it came from Skaro and that through some Christmas special or another, the Doctor banished it to Christmas for all time, before wrapping up the episode with a happy ending.

Hopefully this thing doesn’t come to life and kill it’s owner on Christmas Eve though. Dalek-related holiday mishaps are on the rise.

[via Tumblr]

Treeasy is a Minimalist Christmas Tree That’s Easy Peasy to Set Up


‘Tis the season to be jolly–and to be lazy! Good food, endless parties, and good friends and family all around? That’s the Holidays in a nutshell (at least, for me.) If you can’t muster up the energy to put up your usual tree and trim it this year, then here’s a bit of advice: go get the Treeasy instead.

As its name suggests, the Treeasy is a minimalist tree that’s easy to put up. It arrives as a flat sheet of aluminum, but pull and fold it up in all the right places and you’ve got yourself a tree.


The Treeasy was designed by Argentinian designer José Manuel Rebert Alarcon. While the prototype isn’t for sale, interest parties are invited to contact José for more information about getting a Treeasy of their own.

[ Innovar ] VIA [ Gizmag ]

LEGO Bonsai Tree: Trimming One Pixelated Leaf at a Time

LEGO Bonsai

The funnest part about people is that they have free well, a wild imagination, and clever ingenuity. At least, some of them anyway. For example, give them two sticks and a stone and eventually, they’ll build a fire. Give them a block of wood and a jagged rock and they’ll eventually come up with a wheel–or maybe even a wheelbarrow.

Give them a whole chest of green, brown, and black LEGO pieces and they’ll build you a LEGO Bonsai Tree. That is, if they happen to have the artistry and skills of botanical artist Makoto Azuma. It’s clear from his work that Makoto knows his bonsai and has honed his LEGO-building skills throughout the years.

LEGO Bonsai

LEGO Bonsai

I have to hand it to Makoto. The level of detail on this thing is impressive. Compare it side by side to an actual bonsai and you’ll see that almost every miniature leaf and branch is in place and right where they should be.

Too bad this LEGO-tastic bonsai isn’t for sale, since it would make for fine decor–plus you won’t have to water it at all. But if you prefer the real thing, then you could always go out and get bonsai trees that look just like the one that Makoto built.

VIA [ Spoon Tamago ]