Social media ads for vaping must include nicotine warnings, FTC says

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned a handful of "e-liquid," or vape, companies that they -- and their social media influencers -- must follow the same advertising rules as everyone else. Specifically,...

San Francisco lawmakers will consider a ban on e-cigarette sales

Authorities in San Francisco are considering banning the sale of e-cigarettes until the FDA carries out an investigation on their effects on health. Officials from the city -- which has already banned the sale of flavored tobacco and flavored vaping...

Understanding the Benefits of Vaping Compared to Conventional Cigarettes

For quite a few years now vaping has steadily grown in popularity as an alternative to conventional cigarettes. While it is still new and the long-term impact of vaping is unknown, the main reason why it is so attractive is the fact that it has many very clear-cut benefits. Some […]