Hubble Space Telescope Spots The Behemoth

Hubble is in the news again with yet another incredible find in space. Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have discovered a huge cloud of hydrogen dubbed “The Behemoth” bleeding from a...

Saharan Silver Ants Have Ultra High-Tech Cooling Surface

A team of scientists led by Nanfang Yu, assistant professor of applied physics at Columbia Engineering, and colleagues from the University of Zürich and the University of Washington, have discovered...

NASA Reveals Jupiter Moon Europa’s Mystery Dark Material is Sea Salt

Is there life out there? That is the question that is hoped to be answered everytime an exploration team heads out to the other planets in the solar system. By now the basic units of existence has...

Conservation Group Finds No Fukushima Radiation Off U.S. West Coast

Tests of water samples off the U.S. West Coast have found no indications of radiation from Japan's 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, even though low levels of radiation are expected to reach the...

Chernobyl Study Proves Regional Vegetation is still Extant

It’s been quite some time since that fateful day approximately three decades ago when the nuclear reactor leaked deadly radiation at Chernobyl thereby wreaking havoc on half the global atmosphere....

Radioactive Fukushima Waters Arrive At West Coast Of America

Presenters at the annual Ocean Sciences Meeting of the American Geophysical Union in Honolulu in late February said ocean water containing dissolved radionuclides from Fukushima’s crippled nuclear...

Radioactive Fukushima Waters Arrive At West Coast Of America

Presenters at the annual Ocean Sciences Meeting of the American Geophysical Union in Honolulu in late February said ocean water containing dissolved radionuclides from Fukushima’s crippled nuclear...

WIPP Is Still The Best and Only Choice For Nuclear Waste

The only operating underground deep geologic nuclear waste repository had its first minor accident on Valentine’s Day. It was a small release of radiation that will not harm anyone or have any...

Woods Hole Launches Crowd-Sourced Ocean Radiation Testing

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution launched a crowd-sourced and crowd-funded project yesterday to monitor radiation levels in seawater along the West Coast of North America. The project, led...

Life On Earth Didn’t Begin On Mars, Says Astrochemist

The eternal chicken or egg question — did Mars seed life on earth or did earth seed life on the Red Planet? — is utter astrobiological “nonsense.” Or so says Pascale Ehrenfreund, an astrochemist at...