The KFC Chicken Corsage Is Classy, Elegant

The KFC Chicken Corsage Is Classy, Elegant
This is the KFC Chicken Corsage. Yes, that is a real thing. It’ll set you back $20, but you’ll have to provide your own chicken. It will surely sweep your prom date off her feet. Or his feet! Dudes like chicken too from what I’ve heard. Speaking of prom, who else skipped theirs 10 years […]
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The World’s Only Penis Museum

The World's Only Penis Museum
VICE posted the trailer for The Final Member, a documentary about the one and only penis museum in the world and the man responsible for creating it. You read that correctly — a penis museum. This guy’s got all kinds of dicks behind glass! But the one he’s missing is of the human variety. Presumably […]
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Cats Carry On A Conversation With Each Other

Cats Carry On A Conversation With Each Other
Check out these two Chatty Cathys (Chatty CATtys?! Yes.), they’re just gabbing away, not a care in the world. Must be nice! Just kidding, while I have endless responsibilities, I neglect them all, so I don’t really have anything to complain about except being broke and lazy can be a little monotonous at times. But […]
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Just A Horrifying Blood & Guts Tent

Just A Horrifying Blood & Guts Tent
Artist Andre Hasler created this tent that looks like blood and guts. It’s made out of sculpted fiber-glass covered with wax. Regardless, it’s scary. Scarier than getting eaten by a bear which is my number 1 fear when camping. It’s right up there with using the wrong kinda leaf as TP. I’m talking Poison Ivy […]
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So, Chicken Beauty Pageants Exist

So, Chicken Beauty Pageants Exist
Chicken Beauty Pageants, they exist. I know I shouldn’t be shocked after learning there’s a Star Trek beauty pageant, but I am. I just am, okay?! In his new book, photographer Ernest Goh details the tradition of chicken beauty pageants in Malaysia. But not any old stinking barn yard chickens (no offense, guys!), these are [...]
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Bloody Mary Contains An Entire Chicken

Bloody Mary Contains An Entire Chicken
Once again, someone has upped the Bloody Mary game. This time it’s Vancouver bar Score on Davie. And boy did they really do it up. This Bloody Mary’s got roasted veggies, a pulled pork mac and cheese hot dog, chicken wings, a slider, a full fledged buger, an entire roasted chicken, and a brownie with [...]
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World’s Fastest Nose Typer

World's Fastest Nose Typer
This is a video of Khursheed Hussain setting a world record for the fastest time to nose-type a 103 character piece of text. That’s right: nose-typing. Apparently the previous record holder was a person named Neeta who clocked 1 minute and 33 seconds. Khursheed? He did it in 47.44 seconds. Dayum! I think? Seriously though, [...]
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Barbie Models For Sports Illustrated

Barbie Models For Sports Illustrated
This month Sports Illustrated is celebrating their 50th anniversary. So what do they do to mark the momentous occasion? Put Barbie as their cover model, of course! Personally, I expected to see Kate Upton and her flawless chi-chis front and center, but what do I know? I’d argue how to sell a magazine, but we [...]
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