Bethesda’s Office Gets Life-Size Alduin’s Wall from Skyrim

Bethesda did an amazing job with Skyrim, so no one could blame them for celebrating a little and decorating their offices. They have done just that, but maybe not in the way you expect. Bethesda had this full-scale Alduin’s Wall just lying around after it was used for E3, PAX, and the Skyrim launch party. So, instead of letting this gigantic wall art go to waste somewhere, or ending up on eBay, they have chosen to proudly display it in their office.

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I think it sounds cool enough to work for a video game company like Bethesda and it just got cooler. It’s like having a part of the game with you all day. And it looks amazing. This 25′ x 8.5′ wide recreation of Alduin’s Wall has been dedicated to the late Adam Adamowicz, an insanely talented game artist who designed the wall in Skyrim, and worked on Fallout 3 among other things.

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Just look at that huge slab. Now that is art my friends. Awesome video game geek art. You can find more pics of this awesome thing over on Flickr.

[Bethesda Blog via Geekosystem]

Skyrim Alduin Birthday Cake: The World Eater Gets Eaten

The quality of this Skyrim Alduin birthday cake is amazing. It barely even looks like a cake. It looks more like an awesome figure that you could buy. Vera from Baking Obsession made this cake for her son’s birthday, modeled it after a sculpture from Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Collector’s Edition, to look just like Alduin the dragon.

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The dessert was created from four 13″x18″ sheets of chocolate cake, soaked in strawberry syrup, and sandwiched with bittersweet strawberry ganache. Alduin’s core is made of modeling chocolate, which I guess is why it looks so good. It took Vera about 2 weeks just to model Alduin himself, let alone all the work on the cake part.alduin cake 2

The scales, horns, and spikes are made from gum paste. The double-sided wings are part fondant and part gum paste. The eyes? Swarovsky crystals – so I guess you can’t eat those. This is one fierce looking cake. Great job, Vera!

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[via Geeks Are Sexy]