Phaedra Parks the cast member on the Real Housewives of Atlanta was recently accused of having cheated on her estranged husband Apollo Nida. Parks admitted to seeking a divorce from her husband...
This Sunday’s ‘The Real House Wives of Atlanta’ we saw that the relation of Phaedra Sparks and Apollo Nida went from bad to worse. Apollo who is currently serving eight years in prison due to a bank...
Bravo's Real Housewives franchise husbands are keeping the reality television gossip mills grinding.First, Real Housewives of Atlanta's Apollo Nida landed an eight-year federal prison sentence for...
Phaedra Parks has a spouse who is in serious trouble. A court found "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" star Apollo Nida guilty on all charges of mail, wire and bank fraud. He is lucky that the judge...