If you ever had a mousetrap come down on your finger or a toe, you know the excruciating pain that it causes. Now imagine a giant mousetrap that is big enough to slam down on your body and kill you dead. Welcome to the mouse’s world.
The Backyard Scientist has created such a mousetrap. He used it to crush coconuts and watermelons, among other things. Even a hardhat with a mannequin head. As you can guess, the hardhat did not help. That smashing arm reaches speeds of 42 miles per hour. It would totally cut you in half or at least pin you to the board, where you would quickly expire.
The spring-powered mechanism is so powerful that an electric winch is needed to tighten the coil. No way I would want to prime this trap manually. Humans (and giant mice) better stay away.
[via Sploid]