Tool Handle Beer Mugs Are Perfect For Tipsy DIY Projects

Beer and DIY home projects: they go together like peanut butter and bread. Toss in accidentally hurting yourself, and you’ve got yourself a peanut butter and banana sandwich! Created by JoyJolt and available on Amazon (affiliate link), these hand tool beer mugs are the perfect accompaniment to any home project.

The 17-ounce mugs are available in multiple tool handle styles, including a screwdriver, hammer, pipe wrench, crescent wrench, and combination wrench, that way, you can match your beer mug to your current project. Tackling a project that involves all five tools? Then you’ve got a lot of beer to drink!

Alternatively, just do what I do when undertaking a home improvement project and invest in a beer helmet. That way, you can drink hands-free and don’t have to take a break to drink; just suck on the straw! Unfortunately, if the quality of my repair jobs is any indication, this is probably not a great idea and might explain why I keep finding my beer helmet hidden in the bottom of the kitchen trash.

[via DudeIWantThat]

This Beer Mug Won’t Block the TV When You Drink

There’s nothing better than a cold beer while you are watching your favorite TV show, except that when you raise your mug to drink, your beer can block the TV screen. It’s a real first world problem. The Better TV Viewing Beer Mug solves it.

tv_beer_mug_1When you drink, it get in thee way, thanks to its angled side. Now you won’t miss that microsecond of show behind a sudsy curtain of beer. It is either genius or insane; I’m not sure which. Maybe a little of both.


You can find it at Perpetual Kid for $11(USD). After a few beers, I don’t think you’ll care what’s on TV anyway. Just drink up and pass out.

[via Incredible Things via Gizmodo]