Marriage of the Broom and the Bin


Are you the type to throw your broom and dustpan just wherever after you’re finished? I don’t blame you… when you’re done, you’re done! But, then searching for them when they are needed can be difficult. The 3 in 1 Bin combines a broom and a dustpan with a dustbin to achieve a more comfortable and systematic way to clean. The broom is given a designated mounting slot on the side of the bin and can be easily dismounted and reattached. Similarly, the lid of the 3 in 1 Bin can be detached and used as a dustbin. The design is tailored not only for convenience but it also encourages more efficient use of space.

Designer: Yoon So Young


Hooked About Garbage

Innovations in the field of trashcans are few and far between, which is why the “Hook Me Garbage” caught my fancy. It features hook-able arms that mount on top of a desk and makes life a lot easy for those who like to practice ‘crumpled paper basketball!’

Designer: Ko Yoon Gyeom

Yanko Design
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(Hooked About Garbage was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Tree Hooked
  2. Three Garbages in One Garbage
  3. Ten Creative Garbage Bin Concepts And Designs

Underground Bin

The KUKI-BIN satisfies our inherent urge to kick things around. It’s a garbage bin that is placed underground, allowing you to not only thrown rubbish into the pit but also kick stuff in for a good measure. It basically just makes the act of cleaning your streets a bit more playful and even encouraging the kids to participate. Love It!

Designers: Tsewang Gensapa & Mun Kim

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE - We are more than just concepts. See what's hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Underground Bin was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  2. Living Underground in Style


The Well-Mannered Wastebin

The latest from LÚCID, this rubbish bin focuses its attention to the lid for added functionality & user friendliness. It features an electronic lock system with a hands-free sensor to automatically open & close when the user approaches. To keep the contents hidden, a dual-hinged cover keeps unsightly, smelly items contained for the user’s comfort. Made of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene thermoplastic (the same stuff as Legos), the bin has the strength & rigidity of plastic as well as the toughness of rubber.

Designer: LÚCID

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE - We are more than just concepts. See what's hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(The Well-Mannered Wastebin was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Only Pet Poop Can Be Disposed in the Curve Trash Bin

A lot of pet owners have the nasty habit of not cleaning up after their animals. It’s annoying, it’s impolite, and it’s especially irritating to the people who end up stepping on the dog doo. Some countries have resorted to setting up separate bins for people to dispose of their dog’s wastes, but many mistake it as being a regular old trash can and instead fill it up with all sorts of other trash, leaving no room for its intended contents.

So to solve this problem, Ben Koros came up with the Curve trash bin concept. It looks like a typical trash can, only its fitted with a cover that’s got a special, curved slot that pet owners have to trace with their packages of pet poop before they can drop it into the bin. This way, other larger-sized trash like bottles or cans won’t fit and fill the Curve bin up, and it’ll also keep the stinky bags of poo deep inside the bin.

Poo Curve Disposal

Koros says: “The user must pick up the poo, place it in a plastic bag (biologically degradable plastic bags included on the Curve), and lead it through a curvy gap on the top, to be able to dump it.”

Poo Curve Disposal1

It’s a smart idea, and hopefully, we’ll start to see the Curve trash bin pop up at parks and on city streets in the near future.

[via Yanko Design]

Concrete Rubbish Bin

This project is close to home because I have seen small children rag picking and going through dumps of waste, just to salvage what they can and earn a buck. The conditions are unsanitary and even urbanized cities like Mumbai lack the civic sense of dumping waste in bins. Most often plastic garbage bins get vandalized or stolen, so the concrete Toknee makes perfect sense. It won’t get picked and probably encourage people to segregate and recycle trash, making it safer for the rag pickers to scavenge.

Designer: Yash Mevada

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store - We are about more than just concepts. See what's hot at the YD Store!
(Concrete Rubbish Bin was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  2. Cohda, Creating Design From Rubbish
  3. The Wonders of Concrete