Watson is helping heal America’s broken criminal-sentencing system

The American criminal-justice system's sentencing system is among the fairest and most equitable in the world ... assuming you're wealthy, white and male. Everybody else is generally SOL. During the past three decades, America's prison population has...

Watson is helping heal America’s broken criminal-sentencing system

The American criminal-justice system's sentencing system is among the fairest and most equitable in the world ... assuming you're wealthy, white and male. Everybody else is generally SOL. During the past three decades, America's prison population has...

DHL Parcelcopter starts Early Forays for R&D Purposes

DHL parcel services via a copter have begun in their earliest missions. Everything from goods to medications will be delivered via these smart drones. The avenue where this experiment is being...

DHL Drone starts Delivery Mission to Island

DHL Parcel has debuted its parcelcopter research project in December 2013. Now the company has decided to take next step into its research project. DHL will soon launch first automatic delivery...