Since the past two decades, HBO has been making quality TV series. Currently, the viewers are enjoying HBO shows like Game of Thrones and True Detective. They manage to sign great actors, which make...
You can avail the rare opportunity of receiving the most entertaining of sports extravaganza, soap operas, Hollywood films and news commentary on live television thanks to a facility called Sling TV...
When a TV host interviews his boss, there’s always a risk at softball question and nice platitudes. But Fareed Zakaria isn’t that kind of guy – so when he sat down with Time Warner CEO...
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google is planning to offer high-speed Internet service in 34 more cities scattered across eight states in the company's boldest challenge yet to cable and telecommunications...
Last Friday, subscribers who tried to sign up to Aereo’s streaming TV service in the NYC area got a message saying the company was out of capacity, with no ETA as to when more would be added. While...
To allow cable TV users to only pay for the services they want is the goal of the government in Canada. The Industry Minister, James Moore spoke of this move by the leadership in order to make life...