Iron Throne Made from Carrots

The rabbit who got this Game of Thrones style Iron Throne is one very lucky bunny. He goes by the name of Wallace the rabbit and after getting this throne, he has probably become a real tyrant. His human made the throne for him using nothing but carrots and cardboard.

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You can watch it being built in the video below. In an odd twist, it turns out that the rabbit didn’t even eat this throne. The owner says that he ate most of it. The rabbit was probably worried about being poisoned in the early days of his reign.

May House Tar-hare-yen rule for a thousand years.

[via Time]

Watch it Grow: Root Vue Farm

root vue farm Watch it Grow: Root Vue Farm
See what’s happening below the surface as you grow your own root vegetables with the Root Vue Farm Watch it Grow: Root Vue Farm. This self-watering planter comes with seed packets for carrots, radishes, and onions. Plant each in the included styrofoam growing unit, then watch what comes up both above and below ground.
rootvue planting Watch it Grow: Root Vue Farm
It’s like an ant farm for veggies. The “farm” comes with a light shield to cover up the roots and keep them safe when you’re not viewing them. The water wicks up from the bottom reservoir to make it self-watering. Learn about how plants grow (both up and down) while producing your own food (in snack size portions). That’s edu-tainment.
buy now Watch it Grow: Root Vue Farm

Watch it Grow: Root Vue Farm
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