LEGO Machine Dispenses Cheerios and Milk

It’s 2016, so where are our robots that can pour us a bowl of cereal each morning? Sadly, we still have to do it ourselves. If you want a cool machine to make you cereal, you can still build one yourself, which is what Astonishing Studios did.

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They created a coin-operated machine that dispenses a bowlful of Cheerios with milk.  Just put some money in, watch it fill the bowl with cereal and milk, then grab a spoon and you are good to go. Check out the video to see the vending machine in action.

The LEGO Mindstorms-based machine is smart enough to reject bad coins, and also has a compartment where spoons are stored. Awesome job. Now we can be even lazier in the morning. That’s a good thing.

[via Laughing Squid]

Cheerios Super Bowl 2014 Ad coming

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