Adafruit debuts Circuit Playground: a show teaching kids about electronics (video)

DNP Adafruit debuts Circuit Playground, a show to educate kids about electricity

Programs have a certain magic power over littluns, sending them into a trance-like state and then having them beg for merchandise afterwards. The perpetual tinkerers over at Adafruit don't expect you to catch 'em all, though, and have debuted their own show called Circuit Playground -- an educational YouTube series teaching kids about electronics. In the first episode, we learn all about Amperes and are introduced to our hosts: a free-willed human and ADABOT, a charming puppet presenter (just don't tell them that). Following the letters of the alphabet, expect 25 more installments and, if the intro sequence is any indication, a bunch of component-based characters to keep the sprogs interested. If you need 3 minutes and 50 seconds of peace and quiet, or just want to brush up on the basics yourself, head past the break for the first episode. Next time on Circuit Playground: "B is for Battery."

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Source: Adafruit

Adafruit’s Circuit Playground show to teach kids about electronics with cute components

Adafruit's Circuit Playground show to teach kids about electronics through cute components

Adafruit already welcomes newcomers to do-it-yourself device culture, but it still assumes a certain amount of comfort with coding and soldering. The shop now wants to accommodate the most basic of beginners by starting a children's web series that teaches electronics. Circuit Playground will provide activities, songs and stories that put a friendly face on engineering, in some ways very directly: many of the shows will involve big-eyed characters (and, naturally, corresponding toys) like Cappy the Capacitor. Although the series doesn't start until March, it could be vital to a generation of kids growing up immersed in technology -- and ultimately create a larger customer base for Adafruit in the process.

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Via: The Verge

Source: Wired