Minecraft Creator’s Latest Game is Cliffhorse: Horse Simulator

Markus “Notch” Persson based his hit game Minecraft on another indie game called Infiniminer. His latest game on the other hand was most likely inspired by Skyrim. Albeit only a small part of it. The game is called Cliffhorse, and it embraces the sticky horse-riding physics of The Elder Scrolls V.

cliffhorse game by markus notch persson 620x320magnify

The game lets you play a horse. It’s currently in alpha, and there’s not much to do but frolic on hills and valleys and play with a large sphere that looks like it’s made of chocolate milk. Or a cow. Notch launched the game on Twitter with this mock promotion:


Here’s a quick look at the game from YouTuber HolyGrassBlock:

The early build of the game is for Windows only. You can get it at the Cliffhorse website for free, although Notch would appreciate it if you sent him a donation in the form of Dogecoins. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone comes up with Horseycoins soon.

[via Joystiq]