Cookie Monster Christmas Tree: Merry COOOKIEEEEE!

This Cookie Monster tree surprisingly has no cookies hanging from its branches  – probably because he ate them all. Decorate this tree with cookies all you want, but they will disappear as soon as you put them on.

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Redditor enhydra-lutris saw the potential for true awesomeness in this blue artificial tree and created a monster. A cookie monster. All it took was some imagination, a couple of styrofoam balls and a black pillowcase and now it devours cookies, leaving a mound of crumbs on top of the presents underneath.

But what happens when you run out of cookies to feed it? Things could get ugly if that happens. I don’t want to be around when this tree can’t get its fix.

[via Neatorama]

The Cookie Monster Rug: Blue Skin Rug

I’m not sure what Cookie Monster did to deserve being skinned alive, but I’m guessing that he stole some chocolate chip cookies from these kids – and they were having none of that. Seriously, though, this Cookie Monster shag rug that turned up over on Instructables is awesome.

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It was designed by contributor Mikeasaurus (who I think should change his middle name to “Rex”), and despite its sheer awesomeness, is very simple – it’s just a layer of blue shag costume fur, with a couple of balls of yarn with buttons attached for eyeballs. He also made some chocolate chip cookie pillows to go along with it.

Head on over to Instructables now for the full construction guide. This makes me want a roomful of Muppet fur rugs.


[via Foodiggity]

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