Johnny Depp has long been known for his dedication to the role and extraordinary physical transformations in movies. Some of his most notable transformations include the role of Edward Scissor-hands...
Jeffrey Dahmer was one of the most notorious serial killers in the history of the US. Dahmer was active from 1978 through 1991 and is known to have killed 17 people. The home where the notorious...
If you don’t know the name Dakota Johnson, it looks like you will. The up and coming actor is the daughter of Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson. She has most recently starred in Need for Speed as the...
A 42-year old man in Wisconsin was sentenced to five years in prison for reportedly starving her daughter. Dane County Circuit Judge Julie Genovese announced the decision on Wednesday.The man...
It’s been awhile since the JFK Airport heist aboard a Lufthansa airplane occurred. The aircraft was carrying money and jewelry worth $5 million and $1 million respectively. It got stolen and the case...