Many of us read The Hobbit when we were young. Maddie Chambers is no different. She first read the J.R.R. Tolkien classic when she was 10 and then The Lord of the Rings about a year later. Since then, she has read the LOTR trilogy over 20 times. So yes, she is a true fan.
Not only that, but she’s obviously young at heart. When her twin sons were 1 year-old, she took a college course about “the importance of play”, where at the end of the term, each student was required to submit a toy. She decided to make a little hill with a front door and call it Bag End, using her Warhammer scenery components. But it just wasn’t enough and she kept making it bigger and more detailed.
Eventually, it turned into a complete Bag End doll house that is wonderfully detailed. Even more impressive, everything is made by hand. I wish I could live there, but I’m just too big.
Check out more pictures and complete details on the build over at Madshobbithole’s Blog.
[via Geeks Are Sexy]