Colin Furze Builds World’s Most Effective Doorbell System

Inventor Colin Furze is known for building crazy stuff – from jet trikes to guitars that shoot fire. So you might be scratching your head wondering why his latest contraption is… a doorbell. But this isn’t just any doorbell. Colin built an elaborate and also very loud doorbell system for his house, shed, and bunker. He needed this because he was missing too many package deliveries while he was working on his over-the-top inventions.

colin_furze_doorbell_system_tzoom in

Each doorbell is designed for the environment he is working in, so they get louder and crazier as you go from the house to the bunker. In fact, the bunker bell incorporates an Uzi submachine gun firing into a pipe. Yeah, that’ll get your attention.

And just in case he still can’t hear them over the din of his latest jet-powered whatever, they all also have flashing lights. I don’t think Colin will be missing any more deliveries.

[via Laughing Squid]

Pianobell Lets Guests Announce Their Arrival With a Touch of Class


By Hazel Chua

A couple of piano keys might look out of place when they’re tacked beside your door, where your regular old doorbell used to be. But I’m pretty sure your friends and neighbors will be able to figure out what to do with the Pianobell pretty quickly and maybe even have a little fun with it in the process–unfortunately at the expense of your peace and quiet.

If you need things spelled out for you, then here goes: the Pianobell is basically a doorbell that sounds off with soothing notes instead of boring ‘ding dongs’ or screechy rings to announce that you’ve got a guest at your door awaiting entry. No idea on what notes each key will play, but designer Li Jianye‘s idea is so creative and novel that I doubt this detail would matter.

Unfortunately, the Pianobell is still a concept design–for now. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone picks up on this idea and starts turning piano-playing doorbells into a reality.

[ Pianobell ] VIA [ Incredible Things ]