We like cosplay around here, despite the fact that I am not much for dressing up (I even shun pants). People who like to go to conferences like ComicCon or WonderCon are a bit more enthusiastic about getting dressed up than I am. The catch homemade costumes is that they aren’t always the most durable clothing items.
Enter the folks from the Duck Brand Tape. They teamed up with the Syfy’s Cosplay Melee to provide tape repair services up at this year’s WonderCon, offering to enhance or fix costumes at no cost.
They brought a wide variety of colors and finishes to take on any cosplay emergency at hand. These guys should consider doing this at every convention where there are cosplayers on hand.
@WonderCon @theduckbrand Stop by booth 995 for free costume repair pic.twitter.com/HU11hYDdKd
— Scott (@src002) March 31, 2017
[via Fashionably Geek]