A Catholic High School has denied to give filming access to Ellen Page and Julianne Moore for their lesbian rights movie titled “Freeheld”. The movie Freeheld is the true story of a lesbian twosome...
The heroine of the movie Divergent which is based on a famous novel is at present dating the nymph Ellen Page. But that in no way has any impact on the dating rumors of Shailene and her Insurgent...
The director of X-Men, Bryan Singer, announced on his twitter account on Thursday that another X-Men movie is coming in 2016. His tweet confirms that “X-Men: Apocalypse” is coming in 2016.#Xmen #...
Canadian actress Ellen Page said that Naughty Dog "ripped off my likeness" for The Last of Us. Actually the main character model Ellie of the game resembles to the “Juno” star. Naughty Dog has...