I became a cyborg to feel older, not stronger

I like to joke that I'm technically 33 years old, but on the inside I'm 65. I'm less inclined to make that joke after spending 20 minutes or so inside Genworth's "Aging Experience" exoskeleton. The R70i, which apparently is a barely coded reference t...

Mitch Kapor’s Next Killer App: Latino Entrepreneurship

@Kapor’s “Latin@s in Tech” was one of the best pre-events this year at SxSW Interactive.  Here’s why. History lesson for the young-un’s:  Lotus 1-2-3 was the first “killer app” for the PC,...

Delight Your Customers By Giving Them What They Didn’t Ask For

When customers ask us for something, our first inclination is most likely to give it to them. Naturally, our goal is to deliver value to those who pay the bills. And the customer is always right,...