Facebook redesigns Timeline with an emphasis on apps and users’ interests


Facebook just announced a rehaul of its Timeline design rolling out to select users today, and you can expect a much bigger emphasis on apps. The new Timeline will let users add apps as standalone sections of their profiles, and activity such as posted photos and recent music tracks will show up in a dedicated left column.

Apart from the reorganized layout, the biggest change is increased app integration on the About page. Your favorite movies, music, books -- along with other interests -- will now appear as separate sections, and you'll have the option to pull in your activity from third-party apps like Goodreads. Users will be able to control which apps appear on their Timelines by clicking an "Add to Profile" button, and each will appear as a standalone section on the page. This means you can show off your Instagram photo feed or share recently watched titles on Netflix -- a brand-new amenity for US users -- while hiding your latest tracks on Spotify, if you're so inclined. The new design will make its way to all users "in the coming weeks." For now, click through to the Facebook blog for a sneak peek.

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Source: Facebook Newsroom, Facebook Developer Blog