The LAFD will operate the first electric fire truck in North America next year

The Los Angeles City Fire Department (LAFD) will be the first department in North America to purchase an electric fire truck. It's confirmed that it has put in an order for a model from Austrian-based manufacturer Rosenbauer, and will take delivery o...

NTSB says Tesla Autopilot was partly to blame for 2018 crash

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) cited both driver error and Tesla's Autopilot design as the probable causes of a January 2018 crash, in which a Model S slammed into a parked fire truck at about 31 mph. According to the report, the dri...

When kids saved the world


I remember having a fire-truck toy as I was a kid. Coupled with my wacky childish imagination, I’d envision scenarios where instead of ladders on fire-trucks, there’d be spiral slides, so that victims and escapees could slide down the spiral to safety. Life Slide is an actual concept built on an idea that sparkles of creativity that’s common to children. The Truck comes with an expandable slide (it isn’t a spiral though), that allows victims to quickly exit the burning building. Isn’t it an unusually brilliant idea?? I personally love this instance of lateral thinking!

Designers: Chen Xiangyu, Fan Shi Zhong, Lin Tao, Liu Yebao, Wang Shilin, Wu Rong & Zhang Yongchang.

