Cozy Room Is Your Nerd Fortress of Solitude

Even the most social of us like some time alone now and then. However, it isn’t always easy to get time to yourself when you have other humans in your life. This Cozy Room will solve your problems and give you a Fortress of Solitude to get away from it all.

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You can relax, work or study, watch movies, play video games, enjoy your figurine collection, drink, watch naughty videos. Whatever you want. It is a nerd sanctuary for you and you alone.

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And it has everything you need. Like multiple drawers, a collection rack, LED lights, and extra storage space. It is a great place for “Serenity now!”

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This nerd Nirvana (Nerdvana?) will cost you 798,000 yen or about $8,000(USD).

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[via Kotaku]