Textbooks now available through Google Play Books in US, iOS app updated to match

Google Play Books textbooks

Google promised us that it would offer textbooks through Google Play Books this month, and it's living up to its word. American students can now buy educational titles or rent them for six months, with prices frequently undercutting paper editions. Appropriately, Google has updated its Google Play Books app for iOS to support rentals like its Android and web counterparts. The launch is a painful reminder that the fall semester is just around the corner, but college-goers who want to be prepared can check out the source links.

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Source: Google Play, App Store

Google intros Play Textbooks for purchase and rent

Google Play Textbooks

Google is clearly committed to education on mobile devices beyond Play for Education -- it just unveiled Google Play Textbooks, a dedicated category on the Play Store for learning material. The section will offer titles from the top five publishers, and students will have the choice of renting books for six months in addition to buying them outright. Textbooks should be available this August, and they'll sync across Android, iOS and the web.

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